
伦敦港竟与这事脱不了干系 | 经济学人全球早报精选20211019

 公众号王不留 2021-11-22


Commerce in the dock: the Port of London exhibition

For more than two centuries, maritime trade on the River Thames has been crucial to London’s identity. “London: Port City”, a new exhibition opening on Friday at the Museum of London Docklands, allows visitors to explore the history as well as the present-day operations of the city’s docks. They were once the busiest in the world.

Drawing on the Port of London Authority’s archives, the exhibition will include artefacts, films and even odours evoking the original docks. The port’s close links to the transatlantic slave trade will be scrutinised; a fair share of the city’s and port’s prosperity were at one time built on the back of the trade in humans. One exhibit is a document commemorating the erection of a statue of Robert Milligan, a merchant, slave owner and the moving force behind the city’s West India docks. While the statue was removed from outside the museum last year, the record is a reminder of the cost of London’s wealth.

Commerce in the dock: the Port of London exhibition


Commerce 商业 ;  商务 ;  贸易 

in the dock 受审 

Port 港口城市 ;  港市 ;  口岸 ;  港口 ;  避风港 ;  波尔图葡萄酒 ;  移植 

London 伦敦 

exhibition 展览品 ;  展览 ;  展出 ;  表现,显示,表演



For more than two centuries, maritime trade on the River Thames has been crucial to London’s identity. “London: Port City”, a new exhibition opening on Friday at the Museum of London Docklands, allows visitors to explore the history as well as the present-day operations of the city’s docks. They were once the busiest in the world.


maritime trade 海上贸易 

River Thames 泰晤士河 

as well as 以及 ;  既…又… ;  除…之外 ;  此外 

present-day 现在的 ;  当今的,现代的







Drawing on the Port of London Authority’s archives, the exhibition will include artefacts, films and even odours evoking the original docks. The port’s close links to the transatlantic slave trade will be scrutinised; a fair share of the city’s and port’s prosperity were at one time built on the back of the trade in humans. One exhibit is a document commemorating the erection of a statue of Robert Milligan, a merchant, slave owner and the moving force behind the city’s West India docks. While the statue was removed from outside the museum last year, the record is a reminder of the cost of London’s wealth.

借助伦敦港务局的档案(及文献资料),展览将包含艺术品,影片,甚至模仿原始码头的气味。人们将可以发现该港口与跨大西洋奴隶贸易的密切联系;这座城市和港口的繁荣有相当一部分曾经建立在人口贸易的基础上。其中一件展品是一份纪念罗伯特·米利根(Robert Milligan)雕像竖立的文件。他是一位奴隶贩子,以及该市西印度码头的推动者。虽然这尊雕像去年已从博物馆的外面移走,但这份文件提醒着人们伦敦财富(背后的)代价。

Drawing on 借鉴

slave trade (尤指17–19世纪的)奴隶买卖 

fair share 合理份额 

prosperity 繁荣

at one time 一度;曾经 

on the back of 紧跟着 ;  紧接着 

trade in 以折价贴换同类新物 

moving force 推动力 ;  起激励作用的人



十七世纪末,伦敦的第一个水坞在布莱克沃尔(Blackwall)建成。这之后的两个世纪中,在伦敦塔以东的泰晤士下游沿岸, 沃平(Wapping)、罗瑟希德(Rotherhithe)、狗岛(Isle of Dog)、银城(Silvertown)等区域陆续开凿了圣凯瑟琳港与伦敦港、瑟里港区、西印度与东印度港、皇家港区等一系列内陆水港 。来自各大洲的货船从东入海口驶入蜿蜒曲折的泰晤士河,在这几个形似于半岛的河岸码头停靠、卸货,好整以暇并再次出发。



今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->> “The Economist Espresso 20211019” 。

科普帖:什么是The Economist Espresso?


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