6个值得养成的好习惯 Six good habits worth developing 1、坚持阅读和学习技能,会让你变得更有智慧,也会让你远离焦虑。 1. Persisting in reading and learning skills will make you wiser and keep you away from anxiety. 2、勤思考,多写作,会把你的思维变得非常敏捷。 2. Thinking hard and writing more will make your thinking very agile. 3、坚持锻炼身体,让你永远比同龄人年轻10岁。 3. Keep exercising so that you will always be 10 years younger than your peers. 4、养成早睡早起、不熬夜、吃早饭和午休的习惯,你会变得精力充沛。 4. Get into the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, not staying up late, having breakfast and taking a lunch break, and you will become energetic. 5、养成不占别人便宜的习惯。 5. Develop the habit of not taking advantage of others. 6、养成心平气和、遇事不慌、不抱怨、不紧张的习惯。 6. Develop the habit of being calm, not panicking, not complaining and not nervous. (图文源于网络整理,若侵权联系删除) #英语# #英语新概念# #新概念英语# #鉴剧大赏# #看美剧学英语# #我们一起学英语# #英语四六级# #英语每日一句# #英语思维# #英语口语# #英语听力# #地道英语# #英语名言录##我们一起学英语# #背单词# #雅思# #看图学英语##Mindy每天一个英文话题# #头条英文# #考研英语# #四六级##考研复试# #海外留学##勇气# #英语作文# |
来自: 宁静致远cjq3av > 《自渡人生》