

 昵称77686253 2021-12-06

一个人真正的英语语言能力并不在于你是否会说出,也一开始就必须会说出那个所谓的“地道实用”的,“标准”的英语单词,比如:吃播,或者在另外一个中国人或英美人面前发出一个纯正地道的,连“地道”的英美人都以为你在英美生活过十几二十年的“美式英语音”,或“英式英语音”什么的(其实在多数语言场景中与你交流的那个“纯正”英美人真的不会像你面对一个同样是在说外语的“纯正”的中国人那样很“在乎”你的英语发音是不是够标准,用词是不是“地道”得跟他一样。就“吃播”一词而言,更在于你会不会说出类似An overweight Chinese man goes viral for overeating online的英语与人(主要是英美人交流):也就是一个人真正的英语能力,即英语说得特别棒,不在于你的英语说的是否发音标准不标准,漂亮不漂亮,而在于你是否具备了一定的“英语思维”能力。这对于“苦学”了英语多年的中国人来说是非常不容易,才是真正值得点赞的地方,才是真正没有辜负付出的那段“不可逆”的心血。

1、假设一开始我们“不知道”英语“吃播”怎么说,但是,我们“具备英语思维”能力,也就是我们会用英语An overweight Chinese man goes viral for overeating online与英美人交流,也就是在“互联网+英语学习工具”时代,我们具备说类似这样的“英语学习力”到Yahoo上“探索、发现、求证”。

Chinese man banned from eat-all-you-can buffet for eating
A man has been banned from an all-you-can-eat restaurant in central China after being accused by the owner of eating too much. The food live-streamer, only known as Mr Kang, was banned from eating too much

这是Yahoo上dailymail.co.uk里的一篇文章,由于目前国内搜索的限制,无法打开全篇文章阅读,但是,“地道”的英语已经出现了,即food live-streamer这个单词。


1.Okay.I got you.If someone live-streams his eating online to earn money,we call them a food live-streamer,or a live-streamer.

2.我们甚至可以“换词”把“吃播”或food live-streamer/stream表达成:He presents/vediocasts/broadcasts online his eating to earn money.(不要问我“怎么知道换成这样的同义词的,这是另外一个英语学习力或英语能力的训练)。

4、剩下的就是你自己花时间去“音形义”记住a live-streamer这个英语单词,尤其是记住它的“字形”,能随时就能写出来。


5、为了加深我们对food live-streamer的印象和记忆,也为了更进一步“求证”food live-streamer这个词的“地道实用”性,我们还可以多找机会跟(假设)的英美人“交流”,在“互联网+”时代,在身处非英语语言环境中,也就是我们用food live-streamer到Yahoo上继续Yahoo Yahoo,我们会得到更多的这个词的实用的“场景”(例子):

1.Yahoo He is a food live-stremer

2.我们就会“听到”Yahoo上大量的“人”在说在用food live-streamer这个词。


——This dude got banned from a buffet in China for his insane(notthebee)
A Chinese food live-streamer says he has been blacklisted from a grill buffet restaurant for eating too much. The man, known only as Mr Kang, told Hunan TV that he was banned from the Handadi Seafood BBQ Buffet in Changsha city after a series of binges.

——'I can eat a lot — is that a fault?': Livestreamer banned(news.yahoo)
A Chinese food influencer has been banned from attending an all-you-can-eat restaurant in China after he allegedly downed too much food. Eating too much: The food livestreamer, identified as Mr. Kang, was banned from the Handadi Seafood BBQ Buffet in Changsha, Hunan, for reportedly eating an excessive amount of the restaurant’s offerings.

——Man Says He’s Banned From All-You-Can-Eat BBQ For Eating (pedestrian.tv)
According to the BBC, the man – a live-streamer known only as 'Mr Kang’ – told local Hunan TV he was blacklisted from the restaurant in Changsha city after a series of binge eating ...

——China: Man banned from all-you-can-eat BBQ for eating too(bbc)
A Chinese food live-streamer says he  has been blacklisted from a grill buffet restaurant for eating too much. The man, known only as Mr Kang, told Hunan TV that he was banned from the Handadi ...

——News China: Man banned from all-you-can-eat BBQ for eating(ifunny)
News China: Man banned from all-you-can-eat BBQ for eating too much
 A Chinese food live-streamer says he has been blacklisted from a grill buffet restaurant for eating too much. The man, known only as Mr Kang, told Hunan TV that he was banned from the Handadi Seafood BBQ Buffet in Changsha city after a series of binges.



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