

 至真至美展 2021-12-07







Personal profile:

Xing Lingmin, professor, national first-level artist, special state guest artist (talent) of the State Council; senior urban planning and architectural design engineer, senior interior designer, senior landscape designer, British Royal Chartered Builder; deputy of China International Artists Association Chairman, member of the New Literature and Calligraphy Work Committee of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplets Association; vice chairman and secretary general of the Qi Baishi Art Research Association of Hainan Province, member of the Hainan Artists Association.

He was hired as a visiting professor at Oxford College of Art, a visiting professor and master tutor at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hainan University, and a professor at the School of Art of Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology.

Professor Xing Lingmin has high attainments in architectural environment art and Chinese painting-flowers and birds. The fusion of art design with Chinese painting and sculpture art is a great pioneering work in painting. It is refreshing to read his works. From this, he gained "Design Artist" title.

He once presided over the design and construction of the Hainan Boao Forum for Asia site, Boao Super Hospital, Cambodian Industrial City Hotel, Guangdong Panlongxia Tourist Scenic Area, many rural eco-tourism, five-star hotels and many other major domestic and foreign projects . Presided over the planning, planning, and design of more than 100 domestic and foreign construction, decoration, landscape, sculpture, tourist attractions, real estate and other projects.

Professor Lingmin Xing also served as an expert consultant for the China International Designers Club, an expert member of the China Asian Space Design Development Committee, a vice chairman of China International Design Week, an academic tutor, an international judge, a member of the Chinese "Longcheng Award" jury bureau, and a tutor judge. Chairman of the National "Golden Pencil" Design Award Jury of China National Decoration Association, instructor judge, editor-in-chief of China "Design Frontier" magazine, vice president of Hainan Provincial Sculpture Art Society, chairman of Hainan Provincial Architectural Cultural Exchange Association, president of Hainan Provincial Interior Design Association And many other social positions.









邢灵敏教授曾荣获“当代最受欢迎艺术家”,“中国书画名家”,“中国文化复兴践行者”,“爱心大使”,“爱心书画家”, 中国“当代最受欢迎艺术家”等。他在设计领域荣获“中华建设名家”,“全球影响力华人设计师”,“中国十佳设计品牌人物”,“中国十大最具影响创新设计师”,“中国领导力设计品牌人物”,“设计艺术家”,连续三年荣获年度“中国十大最具影响力设计师”,进入中国建筑与室内设计“名人圈”成员等荣誉称号。

It is understood that in 2019, Xing Lingmin’s paintings were recognized by the Chinese State Guest Ceremony Calligraphy and Painting Artists Review Committee as Chinese national ritual calligraphy and calligraphy works, and he was hired as a special artist (talent) for the State Guest Ceremony of the State Council of China. Gift special allowance.

Professor Xing Lingmin has been awarded as "Most Popular Contemporary Artist", "Master of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", "Practitioner of Chinese Cultural Renaissance", "Caring Ambassador", "Caring Calligrapher", "Contemporary Popular Artist" in China, etc. In the field of design, he won the "China Construction Master", "Global Influential Chinese Designer", "China Top Ten Design Brand Characters", "China Top Ten Most Influential Innovative Designers", "Chinese Leadership Design Brand Characters", "Design Artist", won the annual "Top Ten Most Influential Designers in China" for three consecutive years, and entered the honorary title of "Celebrity Circle" in Chinese architecture and interior design.













In November 2020, 3 works were selected by China Post to launch "Bullish"-Top 100 Chinese Contemporary Paintings and Calligraphy" award-winning postage postcards.

On August 9, 2021, attend the Sino-Belarusian cultural exchange activities of the Belarusian Embassy in China, and his work "Lotus" was collected by the Belarusian Embassy in China.

On September 24, 2021, attending the Sino-Iranian cultural exchange activities of the Iranian Embassy in China, the work "Lotus Flower" was collected by the Iranian Embassy in China.

《荷趣图》 68X68cm

《荷趣图二》 68X68cm

《清凉》 68X68cm







Famous comment:

Professor Pan Shenliang, a consultant of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists Association, a consultant of the China Art Evaluation Committee, an appraisal committee member of the Beijing Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collectors Association, a director of the Jianbo Yiyuan Collection Painting and Calligraphy Appraisal Committee, a researcher at the Beijing Palace Museum, and a deputy director of the Appraisal Committee of the Beijing Oriental Collectors Association. Mr. Guoqiang, the leader of the painting and calligraphy appraisal group of the Palace Museum, and the famous expert on painting and calligraphy, Professor Lv Changsheng commented by three experts:






Mr. Wang Rongchang, a national first-level artist, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Painting, and vice president of Rongbaozhai Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, commented:





Published more than 90 articles and pages of art works and essays. Participated in many national designer activities, serving as a guest speaker, host of academic forums, and award-giving guest, concurrently serving as the rotating chairman of the National Designers Grand Prix, chairman of the jury, academic tutor, expert judge and other positions. Prosperity and development have made a positive contribution.

荷花四条屏 34X136cmX4

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