

 英语主播皮卡丘 2021-12-16

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07、 写作题目:财富和成功

Some people believe that only material wealth is assign of success while others hold that wealth alone cannot be the measure of success. Which view do you agree with?

写作范文:Money Is Not Everything

Does contemporary society gauge one's achievements merely according to how much money one possesses? Or are there alternative means to determine whether one is successful or not? Personally, I agree with the latter though I concede that money does account for something.

Admittedly, success would be a straightforward matter if it is entirely based on monetary terms, And money does provide various conveniences which render life much more comfortable. No one can deny that a poverty-stricken life mostly is not a successful one. However, money is by no means the only device to calibrate one's achievements. There are many wealthy people who are also selfish and even unscrupulous; they accumulate their wealth by exploiting others or through other devious means. In contrast, there are also a large number of people who have made a significant contribution to society even though they are not all that rich. Furthermore, if our society condones the notion that money is of paramount importance and should be obtained at the expense of integrity, honesty and other time-honoured values, then moral corruption is inevitable which will result in dire consequences.

In summary granted, money is important and even constitutes a crucial element of our society. Yet, success entails a myriad of different aspects and should be gauged not solely by one's monetary possessions. (218 words)


Keeping pets has seemed to be in vogue for the last few years. Some people say that owners of pets only have them because they area status symbol while others say that keeping a pet encourages people to know, care about and show love to animals. Which view do you agree with?

高分范文:Keeping a Pet Is Good for You

Anyone who has ever loved a pet knows how much joy that relationship can bring. There is increasing scientific evidence that the unique bond we share with our pets dramatically enriches our lives, and improves our physical health and emotional well-being. Personally I hold that keeping a pet yields more benefits than drawbacks.

Firstly, keeping a pet contributes to our general health and well-being. Loving and caring for a pet can help anyone fight depression and loneliness, since the bond with a pet helps you maintain a sense of purpose in life. A daily walk with a dog gets you out into the world on a regular basis and encourages exercise, both of which help counteract feelings of depression. Pets can be a great comfort in times of conflict or grief, since they offer unconditional affections. They often seem to know when we are sad, and they are always attentive, nonjudgemental listeners. Therefore, by reducing our stress, relieving our loneliness and depression, pets can help us prevent heart disease and improve our general well-being. Secondly, keeping a pet can teach children a sense of empathy and responsibility. Taking care of a pet encourages children to care for animals and nurture responsibilities over them. Being praised as a means of aiding the personality development of children, pet-keeping is essential for children's health development.

In conclusion, having a pet contributes towards a person's well-being and promotes a sense of responsibility and caring towards animals among children. (245 words)

09、 写作题目:经验还是书本知识

It has been said that "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Some people think that experience teaches more than books. In your opinion, which is more important-experience or books?

写作范文:The Importance of Experience

Should experience be credited with more importance than books as some people claim? Or do books still play a pivotal role in the learning process? Given my personal experience, I agree with the former.

Admittedly, students can learn all the necessary principles or theorems through textbooks. And a high-quality book should contain the essence of a certain subject, The importance of books is corroborated by the fact that almost all learning institutions employ textbooks to disseminate knowledge. Nonetheless, one should not belittle the significance of hands-on experience. In some circumstances, experience may count more than books and this trend is gradually gaining ascendancy. It makes sense that employers expect their prospective staff a to acquire some experience so that they do not have to learn from scratch. In addition, it is true to assert that there are a myriad of things which cannot be learned simply by reading a book, The underpinning goal of any education is to impart knowledge and to cultivate the ability to apply the knowledge to a real-life situation. Principles learned from books amount to almost nothing if students cannot use them to solve problems they encounter in their jobs. Finally, it is undeniable that books area useful device in terms of conveying knowledge; however, the importance of experience should not be underrated either.

On balance, I believe that books and experience actually complement each other: knowledge learned through books will be effectively reinforced by the accumulation of experience. (243 words)

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