

 8188FfDX 2021-12-19




本月晚些时候,印度空军 (IAF) 将演示使用本土开发的有源电子扫描阵列 (AESA) 雷达,使印度成为少数拥有位于电子战核心的本土力量倍增器的国家之一、远程导弹和远程精确制导弹药。

印度电子和雷达开发机构(LRDE)的项目总监 D Seshagiri 证实了这一点,并表示开发的 AESA 雷达 95% 是国产的,只有一个部件进口子系统。它有能力在超过 100 公里的范围内跟踪空中的 50 个目标,并同时与其中四个目标交战。在接下来的五年里,IAF 的所有 83 架 TEJAS MK-IA 战斗机都将配备这种雷达,未来由航空发展局 (ADA) 开发的双引擎 AMCA 战斗机也将配备这种雷达。

据 Seshagiri 称,AESA 雷达将安装在 Su-30MKI 飞机以及印度军方的舰载 MiG-29 K 战斗机上。“LRDE 已经与印度斯坦航空有限公司签署了一份谅解备忘录,作为 TEJAS MK-IA 雷达的主要集成商,包括 BEL 在内的四家确定的供应商是关键子系统的供应商。”

HT 了解到,首批 16 架 TEJAS MK-1A 飞机将配备以色列 ELM 2052 AESA 雷达,其余将配备本土 Uttam AESA 雷达。“该雷达已经在两架 TEJAS 战斗机和 Hawker Siddeley 800 公务机上进行了超过 250 小时的测试。该雷达最终将在本月的一次飞行中进行演示,已准备好投入生产。目前只有美国、欧盟、以色列和中国拥有 AESA 雷达能力,”Seshagiri 说。

由印度空军负责的国家飞行测试中心在性能测试成功后已经为该雷达开绿灯。早些时候,印度在其战斗机以及本土机载预警和控制系统飞机上使用初级雷达。如果印度战斗机在拦截战斗机上安装 AESA 雷达,巴基斯坦空军对 2019 年 2 月巴拉科特空袭的报复将对伊斯兰堡造成代价高昂的代价。

AESA 雷达也是 DRDO 开发的 Astra 空对空导弹的关键,该导弹的射程远超过 120 公里,可远距离发射制导弹药。这种雷达将抵消中国通过 J20 多用途战斗机获得的空中优势,因为印度开发的 AESA 雷达与中国开发的雷达相比效果很好。



Later this month, the Indian Air Force (IAF) will demonstrate the use of an indigenously developed active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, making India one of the few countries to have an indigenous force-multiplier that lies at the heart of electronic warfare, long-range missiles, and long-distance, precision-guided ammunition.

Project director D Seshagiri of Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE) confirmed this and said that the developed AESA radar is 95% indigenous, with only one imported subsystem. It has the capacity to track 50 targets in the sky at a range in excess of 100km and engage four of them simultaneously.

In the next five years, all 83 of IAF’s TEJAS MK-IA fighters will have this radar, as will the future twin-engine AMCA fighter developed by the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA).

The AESA radar will be mounted on the radar cone of Su-30MKI aircraft as well as carrier-based MiG-29 K fighters of the Indian military, according to Seshagiri. “Already, the LRDE has signed an MoU with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for being the lead integrator of the radar on the TEJAS MK-IA with four identified vendors including BEL being the suppliers of key sub-systems.”

The first 16 TEJAS MK-1A aircraft will be fitted with Israeli ELM 2052 AESA radars and the remaining will be fitted with the indigenous Uttam AESA radar, HT has learnt. “The radar has already been tested on two TEJAS fighters as well as Hawker Siddeley 800 executive jet for over 250 hours. The radar will be finally demonstrated in a flight this month with the force multiplier ready for production. Only the US, the EU, Israel, and China have AESA radar capability,” Seshagiri said.

The National Flight Testing Centre, which is manned by IAF, has already greenlighted the radar after successful performance tests. Earlier, India was using primary radars on its fighters as well as indigenous airborne warning and control systems planes. The Pakistani Air Force’s retaliation for the Balakot strike in February 2019 would have turned costly for Islamabad if Indian fighters had AESA radars mounted on intercepting fighters.

The AESA radar is also the key to the DRDO-developed Astra air-to-air missile, which has a range well over 120km, and will deliver guided ammunition over long distances. This radar will nullify the air superiority China had gained with its J20 multi-role fighters, as the Indian-developed AESA radar compares well with that developed by Beijing.

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