1、Elastic 认证考试版本变化之前宣传的版本 7.12 也变化了,变成了当前最新的 7.13 版本。
https://www./cn/training/elastic-certified-engineer-exam 2、考点变动概览通过 BeycondCompare 精准对比如下图所示: 大的考试模块变动如下表所示: 新的模块划分更精炼、更易懂。 2.1 新模块1:Data Management 数据管理整合了原来:7.2 版本 Indexing Data 模块的内容,又添加了部分新内容。 内容包括:定义索引、定义模板、动态模板。新增 7.13 版本专属内容:data stream,ilm索引生命周期管理,kibanan导入文本数据。 2.2 新模块2:Searching Data 检索数据整合了 7.2 版本:Queries 和 Aggregations 两个章节内容。 内容包括:普通检索、bool 组合检索、异步检索、Metric 聚合、分桶聚合、基于聚合的子聚合、跨集群检索。 2.3 新模块3:Developing Search Applications 开发检索应用对 7.2 版本:Queries 做了拆分。 内容包括:高亮、排序、分页、别名、模板。 2.4 新模块4:Data Processing 数据处理整合了 7.2 版本:Indexing Data、Mappings and Text Analysis 模块内容。 内容包括:Mapping、自定义分词、Reindex、update_by_query、ingest、nested等多表关联。 2.5 新模块5:Cluster Management 集群管理整合了7.2 版本:Cluster Administration 模块内容。 内容包括:分片分配、索引或集群故障诊断、备份和恢复、可搜索快照(7.13 专属)、跨集群检索、基于用户角色的安全策略。 3、新增考点(带 * 的是新增):
4、 删除考点
Deploy and start an Elasticsearch cluster that satisfies a given set of requirements
Configure the nodes of a cluster to satisfy a given set of requirements
Secure a cluster using Elasticsearch Security
Perform index, create, read, update, and delete operations on the documents of an index
Apply fuzzy matching to a query
Configure shard allocation awareness and forced awareness for an index
Define an index that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use an index template for a given pattern that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use a dynamic template that satisfies a given set of requirements
Write and execute a search query for terms and/or phrases in one or more fields of an index
Write and execute a search query that is a Boolean combination of multiple queries and filters
Highlight the search terms in the response of a query
Sort the results of a query by a given set of requirements
Implement pagination of the results of a search query
Define and use a search template
Define a mapping that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use a custom analyzer that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use multi-fields with different data types and/or analyzers
Configure an index so that it properly maintains the relationships of nested arrays of objects
Allocate the shards of an index to specific nodes based on a given set of requirements
Diagnose shard issues and repair a cluster's health
Backup and restore a cluster and/or specific indices
Configure a cluster for cross cluster search 6、铭毅解读考纲6.1 关于考纲
6.2 关于难度
6.3 还有团购吗?
6.4 这玩意到底有啥用?我不说话,上图。 推荐 |