

 亮元职场英文 2022-01-18


Who was your best and worst boss and why?


This is a way to find out what management style you lean to and away from. It’s really important to not come across as too negative about your worst boss, instead spin anything negative around to show what you learned from it. Negativity can leave a potential employer wondering how you would speak about them given the opportunity.


“I’ve appreciated every boss I’ve had. The best ones have shown me what to do while the more challenging ones have taught me what not to do.”



General questions about your previous co-workers.


Another way to evaluate how you would fit in with the culture of the company along with your communication and interpersonal skills, is asking how your relationships were with your previous co-workers. It could range from “tell me about a time you worked with a challenging co-worker” to “tell me about a time you helped out a co-worker.”


These can come in many forms so it’s good to have a few answers prepared beforehand.


“I’ve had the experience of working with someone challenging as they were very unpredictable. However, I chose to focus on their positive aspects such as their skills and ability to problem-solve. This allowed me work well with them even though we were never considered friends.”



Do you have any questions?


This is always an inevitable question at the end of the interview. Never say no – always come prepared with a few in your mind otherwise it will show disinterest. It can even give you further opportunity to highlight any skills you didn’t manage to show during the interview.


“How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?”


“What are the prospects for growth and progression within the role?”


“What are the biggest challenges of this job?”


“In your opinion, what would you say is the best part of working for this company?”


“What sort of management style does the company adopt?”


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