
西游记英文版视频带英文字幕带word文档词汇背诵单(108集全)Journey to the West 002

 英语俱乐部 2022-01-18

Monkey splashed through the waterfall and landed in a large cave. His eyes opened wide. The cave was filled with bamboo, trees, and beautiful flowers. Moss covered the walls. A stream flowed through the cave, and glowing light and mist filled the air.

Monkey found a long table with bowls, cups, and plates. A fireplace sat against one wall. Deeper in the cave, Monkey found bedrooms with cozy beds.

Outside, the other monkeys and apes were looking at the waterfall.

“Do you think he made it through?” asked one monkey.

“No,” said another monkey. “He probably got washed away down the river.”

Suddenly—splash! Monkey shot out of the waterfall and landed in front of the group. “You’re alive!” said a monkey.

Monkey laughed. “Yes! And we are very lucky! I found a perfect home for all of us. Follow me!”

Monkey jumped back through the water.

Some of the monkeys scratched their heads.

“It still looks dangerous,” said one monkey.

“Let’s go,” said the gibbon. He leaped through the waterfall.

After that, another monkey jumped through. Then some more jumped.

Soon all of the monkeys and apes were in the cave. Everyone ran around to see all the wonderful things.

“This cave is beautiful,” said the gibbon.

Some of the monkeys and apes began fighting and arguing. They grabbed plates and bowls from one another. Others fought over the bedrooms.

“I saw this bed first!” yelled one monkey.

“No!” yelled another monkey. “I did!”

Monkey watched his friends for a moment and then folded his arms.

Ahem!” he called.

All the monkeys and apes stopped what they were doing. They looked at Monkey.

“I found this cave for us,” said Monkey. “That means I am now your king. Why aren’t you bowing to me?”

“He’s right,” said the gibbon. He bowed to Monkey and said, “All hail the Monkey King.”

Everyone else bowed too. “All hail the Monkey King!” they shouted.

Many years went by. During the day the monkeys and apes played in the forest and the stream. And every night they slept safely in their cave.

One night the monkeys and apes had a huge feast. Fruits and nuts covered the table.

Monkeys and apes danced and sang while music played.

Monkey sat on his throne and smiled. But then his smile faded. Soon he was frowning.

The gibbon saw Monkey and rushed over. “Your Majesty,” said the gibbon. “You look sad. What’s wrong?”

Monkey sighed. “Our life here is perfect.” “Yes, that’s true,” said the gibbon. “So why are you sad?”

Monkey was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “Someday our lives will end. I wish this perfect life could last forever.”

The gibbon’s eyes lit up. “Oh,” he said. “You want to live forever?”

“I do,” said Monkey.

The gibbon rubbed his chin. “Then you must study with a sage. Sages are very wise people. They can turn themselves into other animals. They can fly through the sky. And they know how to live forever.”

Monkey smiled again. “Where can I find a sage?” he asked.

“You must find a land with people,” said the gibbon. “That’s where you’ll find a sage.” The next morning Monkey built a raft and loaded food onto it. He pushed the raft into the stream and jumped on.

As the raft began to float away, Monkey waved to his friends.

“Don’t worry!” he called. “After I learn how to live forever, I will return!”

splash 美 [splæʃ] 英 [splæʃ] v.泼洒;哗啦哗啦地溅;噼里啪啦地落;溅在…上  n.落水声;溅泼声;溅上的液体;溅洒后留下的污渍

bamboo 美 [bæmˈbu] 英 [ˌbæmˈbuː] n.竹;竹子

moss 美 [mɔs] 英 [mɒs] n.苔藓;地衣  v.拿苔覆盖;使长满苔藓  abbr.(=manned orbital space station)【宇】载人轨道航天站

glow 美 [ɡloʊ] 英 [ɡləʊ] n.喜悦;容光焕发;微弱稳定的光;暗淡的光  v.发热;发出微弱而稳定的光;发出暗淡的光;喜形于色

mist 美 [mɪst] 英 [mɪst] n.薄雾;水汽;液体喷雾  v.(使)结满雾气(模糊不清);(眼)含泪水;泪水模糊;朝(植物)喷雾

bowl 美 [boʊl] 英 [bəʊl] n.碗;一碗…;碗状物;【体】木球  v.【体】(板球中的)投球;【体】使…出局;使…退场;【体】玩滚木球

fireplace 美 [ˈfaɪrˌpleɪs] 英 [ˈfaɪə(r)ˌpleɪs] n.壁炉

cozy 美 [ˈkoʊzi] 英 [ˈkəʊzi] adj.(尤指因地方小或封闭而)温暖舒适的;亲密无间的;密切的

perfect 美 [ˈpɜrfɪkt] 英 [ˈpɜː(r)fɪkt] adj.完备的;完美的;完全的;完全正确的  v.使完善;使完美;使完备  n.(动词的)完成时(态)

scratch 美 [skrætʃ] 英 [skrætʃ] v.划伤;挠;取消;刮坏  n.划伤;搔痒;刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声;挠痒  adj.仓促拼凑的;无让杆的;无差点的

fight 美 [faɪt] 英 [faɪt] v.战斗;打架;作战;打斗  n.斗争;打架;打斗;搏斗

argue 美 [ˈɑrˌɡju] 英 [ˈɑː(r)ɡju] v.争论;争辩;争吵;论证

grab 美 [ɡræb] 英 [ɡræb] n.猛然的抓取;突然的抢夺;抓取(或截获、采集)的图像;抓斗  v.抓住;攫取;(试图)抓住;抓住(机会)

fought 美 [fɔt] 英 [fɔ:t] v.fight(打斗)的过去式和过去分词

yell 美 [jel] 英 [jel] n.大喊;喊叫;叫嚷;(为运动队加油的)呐喊  v.大喊;叫喊;吼叫

fold 美 [foʊld] 英 [fəʊld] v.折叠;包;可叠平(以便贮存或携带);裹  n.褶;褶层;折叠部分;褶痕

Ahem 美 [əˈhem] 英 [ə'hem] int.(书写用语,表示引起注意或难以启齿时发出的短促咳嗽声)呃哼

bow 美 [baʊ] 英 [baʊ] n.弓;蝴蝶结;船头;艏  adj.鞠躬;低头  v.鞠躬;点头;低(头);垂(首)

hail 美 [heɪl] 英 [heɪl] n.冰雹;雹子;【气】雹;像雹子般落下的东西  v.招呼;〈正式〉喊;捧;歌颂  int.万岁

feast 美 [fist] 英 [fiːst] n.盛宴;宴会;节期;使人欢快的事物(或活动)  v.尽情享用(美味佳肴)

throne 美 [θroʊn] 英 [θrəʊn] n.王位;宝座;王权;帝位  v.〈诗〉使即王位

fade 美 [feɪd] 英 [feɪd] v.逐渐消失;衰落;(使)变淡;逐渐消逝  adj.乏味的;憔悴的

frown 美 [fraʊn] 英 [fraʊn] n.皱眉;蹙眉头  v.皱眉

sigh 美 [saɪ] 英 [saɪ] v.叹息;叹气;叹着气说;叹息道  n.叹息;叹气

someday 美 [ˈsʌmˌdeɪ] 英 ['sʌm.deɪ] adv.有朝一日

lit up 美 [ 英 [ na.点灯;照亮;点香烟;变快活

light up 美 [ 英 [ na.点灯;照亮;点香烟;变快活

rub 美 [rʌb] 英 [rʌb] n.擦;抹;搓;揉  v.擦;磨;搓;(使)相互磨擦

chin 美 [tʃɪn] 英 [tʃɪn] n.下巴;颏  v.〈口〉用下巴夹住(提琴等);(单杠)引体向上使下巴高过横杠;谈话

sage 美 [seɪdʒ] 英 [seɪdʒ] n.圣人;智者;鼠尾草  adj.贤明的;明智的

wise 美 [waɪz] 英 [waɪz] adj.充满智慧的;明智的;英明的;明察善断的  v.(使)懂得;指点;引导;劝导  n.方法;程度;怀斯

raft 美 [ræft] 英 [rɑːft] n.筏;大量;木排;橡皮艇  v.把(木料等)编成筏子;筏运(木材等);用筏子航行;乘筏子去

load 美 [loʊd] 英 [ləʊd] n.负荷;负载;工作量;大量  v.承载;装载;装入;载入

float 美 [floʊt] 英 [fləʊt] v.浮;浮动;漂浮;漂流  n.浮子;彩车;鱼漂;(学游泳用的)浮板

wave 美 [weɪv] 英 [weɪv] n.波浪;波动;风潮;射流  v.波动;挥;起伏;挥手[招手]示意

make it through 挺过去,度过难关

go by (时间)流逝;经过,走过

rush over 冲过来/冲过去

lit up(原形light up)点燃;照亮;面露喜色

turn ... into... 把...变成...

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