
Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(61)下肢手术的麻醉1.

 麻花慧慧子 2022-01-27

1. Coronary artery disease

Coronary [ˈkɒrən(ə)ri] adj.冠状动脉的

2. Myocardial infarction, MI

Myocardial [ˌmaɪəʊ'kɑ:dɪəl] adj.【解】心肌的

Infarction [ɪn'fɑː(r)kʃ(ə)n] n.梗死形成 

3. Coronary artery bypass grafting 冠状动脉旁路移植术 ( CABG)

Bypass ['baɪ.pɑːs] n.搭桥术;

Grafting ['grɑ:ftɪŋ]n.【医】移植(皮、肉);

4. Revascularization n.血管再通 a surgical procedure for the provision([prə'vɪʒ(ə)n] n.提供) of a new, augmented([ɔ:g'mentɪd] adj.扩张的), or restored blood supply to a body part or organ myocardial revascularization.

5. Catheterization [kæθɪraɪ'zeɪʃən] n.导尿;〔医〕导管插入术;导管法

Catheter [ˈkæθɪtə(r)] n.导管(如导尿管)

6. Cardiologist [.kɑː(r)di'ɒlədʒɪst] n.心脏病医生;心脏病学家

7. Type II diabetes mellitus [.daɪə'bi:ti:z ]  n.糖尿病

8. Poorly compensated congestive heart failure 代偿较差的充血性心力衰竭

congestive heart failure (CHF) 充血性心力衰竭

Congestive [kən'dʒestɪv] adj.【医】充血的 → congest [kən'dʒest] v.拥塞;(使)充血 // The road was congested with refugees. 公路上挤满了难民。

Compensate ['kɒmpənseɪt] v.补偿;弥补 // The most efficient antibiotic cannot compensate for inadequate and poor surgical technique. 最有效的抗菌素也无法弥补粗劣的外科手术造成的后果。

9. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 阵发性房颤

Paroxysmal [ˌpærək'sɪzməl] adj.发作性的;爆发性的

Atrial [treəl] adj.〔解〕心房 → atrium ['eɪtriəm] n.心房

Ventricular [ven'trɪkjʊlə] adj.【解】(心)室的 → ventricle [ 'ventrikl]n.心室

Fibrillation [ˌfɪbrɪ'leɪʃən] n.【医】纤维性颤动

10. Insulin ['ɪnsjʊlɪn] n.胰岛素 Insulin, hormone that regulates the level of sugar ( glucose) in the blood and that is produced by the beta cells of the islets (['aɪlət] n.胰岛) of Langerhans in the pancreas(['pæŋkriəs] n.胰腺). 胰岛素,由胰脏郎格汉斯细胞胰岛β细胞分泌的一种激素,调节血糖水平。

11. Carvedilol 卡维地洛  

Simvastatin 辛伐他汀 Simvastatin is used to control hypercholesterolemia. Simvastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides甘油三酯) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. 辛伐他汀用于控制高胆固醇血症。常配合饮食以降低血液中“坏”胆固醇和脂肪(如LDL,甘油三酯),同时升高“好”胆固醇(HDL)。hypercholesterolemia [,haipə(:)kə,lestərəu'li:mjə] n. n.高胆固醇血症 the presence of an abnormal amount of cholesterol in the cells and plasma of the blood; associated with the risk of atherosclerosis ([ˌæθərəʊsklɪ'rəʊsɪs] n.【医】动脉粥样硬化). 高胆固醇血症,指细胞和血浆中胆固醇含量超出正常,是动脉粥样硬化发生的危险因素。→ cholesterol [kə'lestərɒl] n.胆固醇

Astatin 阿法他汀, lisinopril 赖诺普利, warfarin ['wɔː(r)f(ə)rɪn] n.华法林

12. A baby aspirin 婴儿阿司匹林/宝宝阿司匹林

Normally an aspirin tablet contains 325 mg of the mineral (['minərəl]n.矿物质). Baby aspirin, on the other hand, signifies a reduced dose which is around one –fourth of the total quantity. This means that baby aspirin is around 81 mg and is used and recommended only in specific cases. 美国的成人阿司匹林剂量是325 mg,“宝宝阿司匹林”是成人的1/4,约81mg。现在这种小剂量阿司匹林越来越多的被用于成人各种慢性疾病的预防,所以大家更多是习惯于称之为“小剂量阿司匹林”,而不是它的旧称“宝宝阿司匹林”。

13. An albuterol/ ipratropium inhaler 沙丁胺醇/异丙托溴铵吸入剂

Albuterol [ælb'jʊtərɒl] n.沙丁胺醇;舒喘宁

ipratropium 异丙托溴铵 Ipratropium is a short-acting agent that inhibits the parasympathetic ([ˌpærəˌsɪmpə'θetɪk] adj.【生,解】副交感(神经)的) nervous system at the level of the airway which then produces bronchodilatation (n.支气管扩张术). 异丙托溴铵是一种短效药物,抑制气道副交感神经系统活动,具有松弛支气管的作用。

14. Poor dentition limited mouth opening 齿列不齐致张口度受限

Dentition [den'tɪʃn] n.齿列

15. Auscultation n.听诊

16. Coarse [kɔ:(r)s] adj.粗糙的;粗织的 // You mustnt use such coarse language when talking to innocent young girls. 当你与天真的年轻女孩交谈时,不可说如此粗鲁的话。

17. Diminish [dɪ'mɪnɪʃ] v.减少;削弱 // It amplifies quieter emotions, but it diminishes the intensity of stronger feelings. 它既可以将我们内心平静的情绪放大,与此同时,它也可以削弱我们内心强烈的情绪起伏。

18. A prolonged expiratory phase 呼气相延长

Expiratory [ɪks'paɪərətərɪ] adj.吐气的

19. Hematocrit [ 'hemətəukrit, hi'mætəkrit ] n.红细胞比容,红细胞压积 the ratio of the volume occupied by packed red blood cells to the volume of the whole blood 

医学术语8.Elsevier Medical Terminology for Practicing Nurse

医学术语7.Elsevier Medical Terminology for Practicing Nurse

医学术语6.Elsevier Medical Terminology for Practicing Nurse

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