
I knew nor shyness nor fear, my life was boisterous.我的生活是热闹的。

 麻花慧慧子 2022-01-27

The noisy  crowd did not disperse till 11 oclock, at night, much to the agony of the residents in the place.

A. buoyant

B. brittle

C. soaring

D. boisterous   

(catti 英语笔译综合能力三级) 


disperse[dɪ'spɜː(r)s] v.驱散;散开 // The police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse them. 警方用催泪弹和水枪驱散他们。

Buoyant /ˈbɔɪənt/. 1. ADJ If you are in a buoyant mood, you feel cheerful and behave in a lively way. 快活的 // After casting his ballot in Manhattan, the republican front-runner sounded buoyant. 曼哈顿投票结束后,领跑者特朗普显得自信满满。2. if the economy or an aspect of the economy is buoyant, it is successful and seems likely to remain successful 繁荣的,看涨的 // a buoyant market 活跃的市场; Prices are expected to stay buoyant in the short-term. 预计短时期内价格将持续上涨。

Brittle ['brɪt(ə)l] peanut brittle 花生糖 Adj. 1.硬但易碎的;脆性的hard but easily broken // I actually cant go ice-skating. I have unnaturally brittle ankles. 我其实也不能滑冰。我有非比寻常易碎的脚踝。2. lacking warmth and generosity of spirit.冷淡的,纤弱、硬邦邦的 // The white brittle mask was back again. 她那苍白而冷淡的脸又板起来。

Soaring ['soʊrɪŋ]  adj. ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual 不断上升的,猛飚的 // He said the breakthrough could help to meet the challenge of feeding the world's soaring population. 他称这个突破将在世界范围内有助于减轻不断飙升的人口与粮食危机。

boisterous ['bɔɪst(ə)rəs] adj.热闹的;充满活力的 full of noisy enthusiasm and energy, and often roughness or wildness // The infinite sky is motionless overhead and the restless water is boisterous.头上是静止的无垠的天空,不宁的海波奔腾喧闹The last week of term became increasingly boisterous as it progress。学期的最后一星期,学校里一天比一天热闹、嘈杂。


watery、fluid、liquid、fluent 差点整懵?!

好书推荐 Counting Backwards 4.



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