
Ocean Colour Scene 《 The Riverboat Song》

 E7音乐 2022-02-08


Everyday music




名: 《 The Riverboat Song》

歌者Ocean Colour Scene 

词曲Damon Minchella, Oscar Harrison, Simon Fowler & Steve Cradock




I see double up ahead

Where the riverboat

Swayed beneath the sun

Is where the river runs red

Like a king who stalks

The wings and shoots a dove

And frees an eagle instead

It's more or less the same

As the things that you said

I see trouble up the road

Like the things you found

In love are by the way

And like to cheat on your soul

Like the best and worst

Of thoughts that lose control

Before you lie on your bed


It's more or less the same

As the things that you said


And anyway for all the things you know

Tell me why does the river not flow

Anyway for all the things you said

Tell me why does the river run red

And anyway for all the things you've seen

Tell me when will the river run green

And anyway for all the things you know

Tell me why does the river not flow

It's more or less the things

You fail to say in your way that's your trouble

Like a king who stalks the wings

And shoots the moon and the stars

And his double


It’s more or less the same as the things that you said


Anyway for all the things you know

Tell me why does the river not flow

Anyway for all the things you said

Tell me why does the river run red

Anyway for all the things you've seen

Tell me when will the river run green

And anyway for all the things you know

Tell me why does the river not flow

I see double up ahead

Where the riverboat swayed beneath the sun

Is where the river runs red

I see double, that's my trouble



今天分享一首Ocean Colour Scene 的《 The Riverboat Song》。

今天来首英伦摇滚时代Ocean Colour Scene的作品。这首歌来自他们1996年的经典专辑《Moseley Shoals》。这张专辑在英国排行榜上排名第二,并在排行榜上累积了 92 周,使其成为乐队在排行榜上最成功的专辑。最终专辑也达到了第一名的位置。1998 年,Q杂志的读者将这张专辑评为有史以来第 33 大最佳专辑。这张专辑2017 年在Pitchfork的“50 张最佳英式流行专辑”民意调查中排名第 42。专辑名字取自英国南伯明翰的一个同名郊区,这里有很多的60年代著名的录音室。所以也是以此致敬前辈。这张专辑中一共发行了四首单曲。除了今天这首单曲外,其他单曲也都获得了很好的排名,《The day we caught the train》这首在排行榜上排名第四。《You've Got It Bad》和《The Circle》也进入了前十。

今天这首歌是他们发行的第一首单曲。这支单曲《 The Riverboat Song》也成功的帮助乐队走进主流并且为之后的单曲铺平了道路。这首歌能得以推广还得感谢第一电台的DJChris Evans,他在热播电视节目《周五TFI》(TFI Friday)中经常使用这首。这首歌深受齐柏林飞艇乐队(Led Zeppelin)的歌曲《Four Sticks》的影响,主要的riff段和许多歌词都来自那首歌。这首歌使用了6/8 拍的摇摆感觉。小E觉得这首歌是讲抉择的,不同的抉择会产生不同的命运。看看歌手。

Ocean Colour Scene(通常缩写为OCS)是1989年在伯明翰的莫斯利成立的一支英国摇滚乐队。包括1997年的冠军在内,他们共发行了5张前十名的专辑。迄今为止,她们还获得了17支前40名的单曲和6支前10名的单曲。乐队成员有主唱、吉他、口琴Simon Fowler ,贝斯Damon Minchella,鼓、钢琴、人声Oscar Harrison,吉他、钢琴、人声Steve Cradock ,管风琴、吉他、钢琴、人声Paul Weller 。

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