
中国故事(双语)39:Dragons Everywhere 叶公好龙

 家有学子 2022-02-10


There once was a man named Lord Ye. He was a respected person in his village. He was kind, smart, and wealthy. Everyone in the village knew him. They all knew that he loved dragons. No, Lord Ye didn’t just love dragons. He was obsessed with them.
Almost everything that Lord Ye owned had a dragon on it. His front door had a big, golden dragon painted across it. Every single detail was painted with care. The pillars on either side of the door also had dragons carved into them.
Inside his house, he had many rugs with dragon patterns. The rugs were in almost every room of his house. Paintings of dragons hung on every wall. Each one was painted by a different artist. Even the teacups and teapots he used were painted with little blue dragons.
He showed his love for dragons even while he was out and about in the village. Many of his silk clothes had dragons sewn onto them. His horse-drawn carriage even had flying dragons painted on it. Everywhere he went, people saw the dragons and recognized Lord Ye.
Any time someone talked about dragons in Lord Ye’s presence, he would go on and on about how much he admired them. “They’re just so cool! I will never stop loving them!” he would exclaim. In fact, everyone in the village knew not to mention dragons or Lord Ye would never stop talking! He just loved dragons that much.
Of course, in Chinese culture dragons are lucky, so no one thought Lord Ye’s love of them was too weird. But his love of dragons became so famous that it began to spread past the village. People in the neighboring village began to talk of a man who was obsessed with dragons. Then the next village heard of this too. And the next. The legend of Lord Ye soon spread through the whole province.
On the edge of the province, in the mountains, there lived an ancient dragon. He was lonely and wanted friends to play with. One day, he overheard a conversation between two birds in the woods.
“Have you heard of the man in the village across the hills?” asked the first bird.
“No, what about this man?” replied the second bird.
“Well apparently he loves dragons a lot!” explained the first bird.
Hearing this, the dragon was very happy. This man could be his friend!
“Excuse me,” the dragon said to the birds, “Do you know the name of this man?”
“His name is Lord Ye.”
The dragon immediately flew to the village. [SFX: flying/dragon’s wings flapping] He wanted to meet Lord Ye, the man who loved dragons!
When he got to Lord Ye’s house, the dragon stuck his head in the window and called out. “Lord Ye?” His voice was loud and deep.
Lord Ye got a huge fright and jumped up. He raced to his bedroom and hid under the bed. He was so afraid of the dragon!
And that’s how the entire village found out that Lord Ye only liked painted and carved dragons, not real ones.

The End

Question: What is something you’re afraid of?


be obsessed with 痴迷于…; 迷了心窍

pillar n. 柱,台柱,顶梁柱

carve v. 雕刻; 切,切开; 创制,开创;

rug n. 小块地毯; 〈英〉围毯,车毯

sewn v. 缝( sew的过去分词 )

carriage n. 运费; 运输,输送; 四轮马车

recognize v. 认识,识别,认出

presence n. 出席,在场,存在

exclaim v. 惊叫; 呼喊; 大声说

weird adj. 鬼怪似的,奇怪的,不可思议的

legend n. 传说,传奇故事

overheard v. 偶然听到(overhear的过去式和过去分词)

apparently adv. 显然,显而易见地,看来,似乎,据说

stick (stuck) v. 伸出,使突出

fright n. 惊吓; 恐怖; 可怕的东西

His front door had a big, golden dragon painted across it. 他的前门上画了一只巨大的金龙。

The pillars on either side of the door also had dragons carved into them. 门两边的柱子上也刻有龙。

Many of his silk clothes had dragons sewn onto them.许多他的丝绸衣服上也绣着龙。以上三句均以动词的过去分词表示被动态,如龙是被画在门上,被刻在柱子上,被绣在衣服上。


龙立刻飞到了村子里。[SFX:flying/dragon's wings flapping]他想见见爱龙的叶公!

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