
Aimee双语小讲堂 第十一讲:室管膜下瘤

 忘仔忘仔 2022-03-06

Aimee   上海某医院

59-year-old woman with incidental brain tumor 


History: A 59-year-old woman with a history of an incidental finding of a brain tumor during an examination for labyrinthitis 18 years ago. The patient returned after that time for further investigation.


Axial noncontrast CT image, sagittal T1-weighted and axial T2-weighted MR images, axial susceptibility-weighted image (SWI), postgadolinium image, sagittal 3D constructive interference in steady state (CISS/FIESTA-C) image, and short echo-time (TE) 3D multivoxel spectroscopy image are shown below. Click to enlarge.


Images of the macroscopic specimen and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain also are shown.


Findings and diagnosis


Noncontrast CT axial image shows a predominantly hypodense mass in the temporal horn of the right ventricle. Note, there are tiny hyperdense foci (arrow), probably related to previous microhemorrhages (A). Sagittal T1-weighted MR image confirms a lobulated, well-defined intraventricular. The mass is primarily hypointense to gray matter and causes expansion of the temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle (B). Axial T2-weighted MR image shows the mass is heterogeneously hyperintense, and there is hyperintensity in the adjacent brain parenchyma of the temporal lobe, that might represent an edema (or infiltrative) component (C, arrow). Axial susceptibility-weighted image (SWI) shows small hypointense foci inside the lesion, corresponding to microhemorrhages (D). There was no or minimal enhancement postgadolinium (E). Sagittal 3D-CISS (FIESTA) images show a heterogeneous high-signal-intensity solid lesion, with cystic components within the lesion (F, arrow). Short echo time (TE) 3D multivoxel spectroscopy demonstrated the N-acetylaspartate (NAA) level partially decreased, due to neuronal viability loss, normal peak of choline, and an increased peak of myoinositol, meaning astrogliosis, compared with the normal left temporal lobe (G).


The macroscopic specimen obtained at surgical resection correlates with the imaging findings: a lobulated mass, with heterogeneous consistency, containing small cysts (H, arrows). Histological slices with H&E staining reveal a pluricellular neuroepithelial neoplasm, characterized by small clusters of glial cells, with isomorphic vesicular nuclei (I).


Differential diagnosis


· Subependymoma

· Ependymoma

· Neurocytoma

· Giant cell subependymal astrocytoma

· 室管膜下瘤

· 室管膜瘤

· 神经细胞瘤

· 巨细胞室管膜下星形细胞瘤

Diagnosis: Subependymoma


Key points


· The reported case illustrates an intraventricular mass at an unusual location of the lateral ventricles: the temporal horn.

· 已报道的病例提示病灶位于侧脑室不常见位置:颞角。

· Subependymomas are usually single lesions in the fourth and lateral ventricles in patients frequently asymptomatic. When the lesion is greater than 2.0 cm, it can cause obstruction of cerebral spinal fluid circulation, causing hydrocephalus.

· 室管膜下瘤通常为第四和侧脑室内单发病灶,患者通常无症状。当病灶大于2.0公分,可引起脑脊液流动阻塞,继发脑积水。

· CT shows a well-circumscribed macrolobulated intraventricular mass, that is heterogenous, hypo/isodense to brain parenchyma. Usually, there is no periventricular extension and no contrast enhancement.

· CT可见脑室内边界清晰的浅分叶肿块,密度欠均匀,相对脑实质呈低/等密度。通常不累及脑室周围,病灶无强化。

· MR imaging shows an hypo/isointense lesion on T1-weighted imaging and hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging. Cystic degeneration may occur. If there is contrast enhancement, it is typically tenuous and heterogeneous.

· 磁共振T1图像可见低/等信号、T2高信号病灶。可见囊性变。注入对比剂后呈轻度均匀强化。

· Histological features include low cellular density and small clusters of glial cells, dispersed in a loose fibrillary matrix, near the ependymal lining, considered a benign neuroepithelial neoplasm (World Health Organization [WHO] grade I). Recurrence is very rare.

· 组织学特征包括低细胞密度,小簇状的胶质细胞,分散于纤维基质中,邻近室管膜,为良性神经上皮细胞肿瘤(WHO I级)。病灶极少复发。

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