

 衆妙之門 2022-03-27



I have received your letter and I am very pleased. It fillsme with joy that you are touching new depths of peace and bliss! On life’sjourney there is nothing worth attaining other than this. When all wealth islost, this wealth will still be with you. That’s why it is, in fact, the onlywealth; and those who have everything but this wealth are paupers – even withall their riches.


That is why one can be poor while having great riches, andrich while living in poverty, because such riches only give the illusion ofdestroying one’s poverty. They don’t destroy it, they only hide it, and thisself-deception is very costly in the end, because a life that could have beenan opportunity to gain some real treasure is spent uselessly living under thisillusion.


It is very important to remain alert to the kind of wealththat is found on the periphery of life. For only those who realize its illusorynature will set out to search for the treasure that is hidden at the verycenter of life.


Finding this wealth will destroy poverty forever, becausesuch wealth can never be taken away from you, and only that which cannot betaken away from you is your own wealth, your personal wealth.


That which cannot be taken away cannot be found either,because that which can be found can also be lost. Inner wealth simply is. It iseverywhere; one simply has to recognize it. In fact, to recognize it is to gainit.


May every step you take in life lead you toward this wealthof wisdom – that is my wish.


I am in bliss. Give my love to all the beloved ones there.

Aashna 译自老豆亲自写的私人书信

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