最近不断有小伙伴在公众号后台求助,称一些客户年前就已确认订单,公司复工后就开始陆陆续续地联系这些客户,哪知换来的反馈并不理想,这些客户要么说是疫情过去再说,要么就是讲库存尚足,并不着急发货,要么就是说资金紧张,暂时无法接货;一直在催,然而一个多月过去了,还是那套说辞,死活就是不发货。 大家看到客户这样的反馈都很着急,既担心订单一直拖着,会节外生枝,收不全货款,又担心已经生产好的货物长久无法出运,积压仓库,徒增成本; 其实不光是你们着急,你们的老板更着急,如果 Mike 遇到这样的事情,也会非常着急,所以你们的反应,再正常不过了。 做生意讲究双赢,在我们不蒙受损失的前提下,自然是能帮就帮,但如果客户的行为已经使我们长期蒙受损失,那就不得不为自己考虑考虑了 。 想要解决这个问题,我们要明确以下几点: 01、产品是否为定制产品 02、是否已经收取定金 03、新客户还是老客户 01 02 03 之所以要弄清楚是新客户还是老客户,是为了明确我们有多了解该客户,便于判断后续可能性后果,为我们的方案增加参考性; ▓ 如果是老客户 基于这种情况,卖家可以参考该客户以往的信用度、采购和支付习惯等,判断后续解决问题的可能性; ▓ 如果是新客户 基于这种情况,卖家毫无参考,即便做了客户背景调查分析,大公司也并不能保证一定不会弃单弃货; 04 综上考虑,我相信大部分读者都有了一些思路,该如何去处理这个问题。 处理问题无外乎软硬两种,要么强势压倒,要么服软跪下;所谓的协商一致从来都是另一方败下阵来,利益不会存在绝对均衡,只有相对均衡,真正的双赢少之又少。 当你想服软跪下的时候,很明显,这个问题不需要解决了,因为你已经放弃了,客户说什么就是什么,还有什么好谈的呢? 当你想要强势一些,据理力争的时候,想清楚,你说的话是否有客户在乎的点(威胁点或利益点),如果没有,很抱歉, I don't care about what you think or want , 除非客户真的非常通情达理,否则即便你说破大天,也绝对得不到自己想要的结果,因为客户压根不在乎,你叫不醒一个装睡的人,也绝对说不通一个不想和你讲道理的人。 很明显 03 是供我们判断客户诚信度的,而 01、02 是我们是否下“狠招”的决策岔路口; 01、你根本没收取客户的任何定金,但是是常规品: 可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,如果短期根本不需要或资金紧张,不打算出货,直接转卖其他客户即可。 与此同时,我们需要告知该客户,再次购买货物时需要提前通知,便于排产备货,此次库存会很快处理掉,由于汇率不稳和材料成本上浮等等,产品价格也要依照未来订单时间重新计算; Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. Could you pls tell us the estimated date of shipment? If you quit this order, We'll have to sell these goods to other customers. When you need these items next time, pls do inform us in advance, so we have enough time to purchase materials and arrange the production. But along with the sharp fluctuation of RMB Exchange Rate and the increasing cost of the materails, tthe price of the products will have to be recalculated. 02、你根本没收取客户的任何定金,但是是定制品(尽量别犯这种低级错误): 很明显,你完全被动,可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,并以市场变化理由催客户出货,如果油盐不进,一拖再拖,甚至拖了半年、一年不出货,那么只能来硬的了。 通知客户违约,货物会处理给别人,并且我们将考虑向中国商会以及客户当地商会投诉其单方面毁约、虚假贸易等不良行径,以此胁迫客户就范;(很多人想好好跟客户谈,毕竟订制品不好出手,但是你要认清现实,客户根本不在乎你说什么做什么,因为还没威胁到她的利益) Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. We chose to trust you and produced goods without asking any deposit from you. We are totally disappointed at your feedback each time we contact you regarding shipment. You have scrapped our contract time after time, ignoring our loss. We want an exact date of shipment, pls. One last time we contact you. Or we may have to sue you for unilateral breach of contract to China Chamber of Commerce and your local organizations of Commerce, which will definetely damage your company image and future business. Pls consider it seriously and tell us your ideas. 03、你收取了客户的部分定金,但是是常规品: 可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,如果短期根本不需要或资金紧张,不打算出货,直接转卖其他客户即可。 与此同时,我们需要告知该客户,再次购买货物时需要提前通知,便于排产备货,此次库存会很快处理掉,由于汇率不稳和材料成本上浮等等,产品价格也要依照未来订单时间重新计算;(很多人想吞了定金,理由是客户违约了,尽量别这样搞,因为一锤子买卖不好吃,长久利益为重,相信我,但是肯定也不会同意把定金退还给客户,这样我们就更加被动了,整个白忙活了) Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. Could you pls tell us the estimated date of shipment? If you quit this order, we'll have to sell these goods to other customers. When you need these items next time, pls do inform us in advance, so we have enough time to purchase materials and arrange the production. But along with the sharp fluctuation of RMB Exchange Rate and the increasing cost of the materails, tthe price of the products will have to be recalculated. The deposit will be kept by us till your next business request. 04、你收取了客户的部分定金,但是是定制品(遇到这样的情况也实数意外,在所难免): 很明显,订制品让你非常被动,但定金在手,心里多少有点底;可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,并以市场变化理由催客户出货,如果油盐不进,一拖再拖,甚至拖了半年、一年不出货,那么只能来硬的了。 通知客户违约,定金没收,货物会处理给别人,并且向中国商会以及客户当地商会投诉其单方面毁约、虚假贸易等不良行径,以此胁迫客户就范;(很多人想好好跟客户谈,毕竟订制品不好出手,但是你要认清现实,客户根本不在乎你说什么做什么,因为还没威胁到她的利益) It's been quite a long time since order ### was confirmed. The finished goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. We chose to trust you and produced goods without asking any deposit from you. We are totally disappointed at your feedback each time we contact you regarding shipment. You have scrapped our contract time after time, ignoring our loss. We want an exact date of shipment, pls. One last time we contact you. Or we may have to sue you for unilateral breach of contract to China Chamber of Commerce and your local organizations of Commerce, which will definetely damage your company image and future business. Meanwhile, the deposit won't be refunded. Pls consider it seriously and tell us your ideas. 01、你根本没收取客户的任何定金,但是是常规品: 可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,如果客户说暂时库存充足,不打算出运,可以转卖其他客户。 与此同时,我们需要告知该客户,再次购买货物时需要提前通知,便于排产备货,此次库存会很快处理掉,由于汇率不稳和材料成本上浮等等,产品价格也要依照未来订单时间重新计算。 Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. Could you pls tell us your estimated date of shipment? If you quit this order, We'll have to sell these goods to other customers. When you need these items next time, pls do inform us in advance, so we have enough time to purchase materials and arrange the production. But along with the sharp fluctuation of RMB Exchange Rate and the increasing cost of the materails, tthe price of the products will have to be recalculated. 如果客户说明是资金紧张,可以向客户收取80~90%不等的货款,等待客户下次订单一并支付(这就用到03点讲到的了,关键在于你对客户历史诚信度的把握); As your old friends of business, we'd like to provide you with some help. If you do have problems in finance, is that possible to pay 80~90% of the total amount first? The balance can be paid in your next order. Will that help? Tell me ur ideas, anyway 02、你根本没收取客户的任何定金,但是是定制品(即便是老客户也尽量别这么玩,底线必须守): 很明显,你非常被动,可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,并以市场变化理由催客户出货,如果油盐不进,一拖再拖,甚至拖了半年、一年不出货,可以跟客户谈其他产品的合作,该库存暂时搁置,但是要保持跟进,提醒客户这批货的存在,并表示出自己迫切需要出运这批货物,因为压仓库太久了,让客户及时处理; Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. Could you pls tell us the estimated date of shipment? Or any suggestions to handle them? About model#, when do you plan to confirm the order so we can make the preparation in advance? 如果客户态度不好,并未延迟交货,声明不会再要,又一直没有其他订单的合作,老客户也没啥存在的意义了,那么同样,也只能来硬的了。
Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. We chose to trust you and produced goods without asking any deposit from you, for you are one of our best customers with highest credit. However, you have scrapped our contract time after time, ignoring our loss. We want an exact date of shipment, pls. Or we may have to sue you for unilateral breach of contract to China Chamber of Commerce and your local organizations of Commerce, which will definetely damage your company image and future business. Pls consider it seriously and tell us your ideas. 03、你收取了客户的部分定金,但是是常规品: 可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,如果短期根本不需要或资金紧张,不打算出货,直接转卖其他客户即可。 与此同时,我们需要告知该客户,再次购买货物时需要提前通知,便于排产备货,此次库存会很快处理掉,由于汇率不稳和材料成本上浮等等,产品价格也要依照未来订单时间重新计算;(很多人想吞了定金,理由是客户违约了,尽量别这样搞,尤其是老客户,别因为一个小订单,损失一个客户,因为后面的订单还有很多,何况常规品你也完全可以消化掉,或内销,或外单转手) Regarding model#, the goods have been kept in our warehouse over *** months. Could you pls tell us the estimated date of shipment? If you quit this order, we'll have to sell these goods to other customers. When you need these items next time, pls do inform us in advance, so we have enough time to purchase materials and arrange the production. But along with the sharp fluctuation of RMB Exchange Rate and the increasing cost of the materails, tthe price of the products will have to be recalculated. The deposit will be refunded soon. 04、你收取了客户的部分定金,但是是定制品(遇到这样的情况也实数意外,在所难免): 很明显,订制品让你非常被动,但定金在手,心里多少有点底;可以刨根问底式问出客户究竟打算何时出货,并以市场变化理由催客户出货,如果油盐不进,一拖再拖,甚至拖了半年、一年不出货,直接表明弃货; 如有有其他更大更多的生意往来,这个钱可以退,可以不退,退或不退都要讲清楚自己的损失,不要无理由退款或扣款; It's been quite a long time since order ### was confirmed. We chose to trust you and produced goods without asking any deposit from you. So you know, we actually suffered a lot from kinds of cost for production. 不退款 ① We hope you could understand we still suffer a great loss even we keep your deposit. I wonder if you still have any ways to deal with these goods? 退款 ② But we choose to refund your deposit. We'll suffer all the loss alone. I wonder if you can confirm any other orders with us to help us out? Or you still have any ways to deal with these goods? Will much appreciate it. 如果后续长期没有任何其他生意往来,客户态度恶劣,直接通知客户违约,定金没收,货物会处理给别人,并且向中国商会以及客户当地商会投诉其单方面毁约、虚假贸易等不良行径,以此胁迫客户就范;(很多人想好好跟客户谈,毕竟订制品不好出手,但是你要认清现实,客户根本不在乎你说什么做什么,因为还没威胁到她的利益) It's been quite a long time since order ### was confirmed. We chose to trust you and produced goods without asking any deposit from you. We are totally disappointed at your feedback each time we contact you regarding shipment. You have scrapped our contract time after time, ignoring our loss. We want an exact date of shipment, pls. One last time we contact you. Or we may have to sue you for unilateral breach of contract to China Chamber of Commerce and your local organizations of Commerce, which will definetely damage your company image and future business. Meanwhile, the deposit won't be refunded. Pls consider it seriously and tell us your ideas. 读完上述内容,大家会发现其实大部分内容是重复性的,整个问题的处理出发点只有 4 个: 01、有没有后续合作的可能 02、有没有其他订单流入 03、货物是否真的无法处理,产生巨大损失 04、客户是否真的有困难,需要缓一缓,还是态度强硬,霸道弃单 可能一些读者看着老客户的处理情况都和新客户的一样,其实不一样,请仔细每一部分,是有区别的,不然我也不用费劲写这么多;一切行动考虑,都要基于客户与你是否还有其他更大更多的生意往来,这才是利益观察点和问题处理决策岔路口; 最后,Mike 要提醒各位,收取定金时,比例不能太低,30% 以上比较合适,这个份额在后续问题的谈判上也能占据一定的主动权,不至于太被动;汇率变化严重时,要写上结算标准范围(当然,这个是双向的,各有利弊,否则单向利益时,客户是无法接受的),避免产生严重损失,当然,如果最初商定的就是以人民币结算,也就不必考虑这些了。 Mike 并不是让大家刚遇到这样的问题立刻就上去硬刚,而是给大家留的逼不得已时的后手,可在和平解决无果、长期加剧损失的情况下酌情使用。 我们遇到问题时,尽量选缓和的谈判方式去跟客户沟通,能这样解决问题再好不过,但如果这样的谈判无法解决问题,甚至让问题发展成了长期问题,我们也就不得不翻脸了,因为问题拖得越久,我们的损失也就越大。 很多人害怕得罪客户,很多话题不敢谈,很多事情不敢做,但你要明白,很多时候,你好好说话,对方就当你放屁,不痛不痒,不会做出任何让步,自然我们也就得不到自己想要的结果。 我是 Mike,持续分享实战经验为您提供更多有价值的参考。如果觉得有用,留下你的支持吧! |