

 新用户1882ga2h 2022-04-14

 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Moeschler SM, Pollard EM, Pingree MJ, Pittelkow TP, Bendel MA, Mauck WD, Watson JC, Eldrige JS, Loftus CG, Hooten WM. Pain. 2021 Jun 1;162(6):1800-1805.  本次学习由阎芳副主任医师主讲。

The findings of this trial are consistent with other reports of TPIs and TAP blocks for chronic AWP. For example, in a retrospective study that involved 139 patients with ACNES, 81% reported at least 50% pain reduction immediately following a single non-image guided TPI performed with 10 mL 1% lidocaine, and 33% reported complete resolution of pain at a maximum follow-up of 72 weeks. Comparable outcomes were reported in a retrospective case series of 9 patients with ACNES where 6 patients reported at least 50% pain reduction at a median follow-up period of 12 weeks following an ultrasound guided TPI performed with up to 3 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine with 40 mg triamcinolone. Few published studies exist for the use of TAP blocks for chronic AWP. In a retrospective study, 30 patients with chronic AWP received 20 unilateral and 25 bilateral ultrasound guided TAP blocks. Unilateral blocks were performed using 8 mL 0.25% bupivacaine with 80 mg triamcinolone and bilateral blocks were performed using 9 mL 0.25% bupivacaine with 40 mg triamcinolone on each side. The mean reduction in pain scores was 54.7% for an average duration of 84 days. Finally, in a small case series that involved 5 patients with chronic AWP, 4 patients reported at least 50% reduction in pain scores following an ultrasound guided TAP block using various doses of ropivacaine and triamcinolone, and 2 patients reported low levels of pain at 6- and 12-month follow-up.

本试验的结果与其它使用TPIs和TAP阻滞治疗慢性AWP的报告一致。例如,在一项涉及139名ACNES患者的回顾性研究中,81%的患者在使用10 mL 1%利多卡因进行单次非影像引导TPI后即刻疼痛减轻至少50%,在术后最多72周的随访中,33%的患者疼痛完全缓解。在另一项包含9例ACNES患者的回顾性病例报道中报告了类似的结果,其中6例患者在超声引导下行最多3 mL 0.5%布比卡因和40 mg曲安奈德的TPI后,在12周的中位随访期内疼痛减轻至少50%。关于使用TAP阻滞治疗慢性AWP的已发表研究很少。在一项回顾性研究中,30例慢性AWP患者共接受了20人次单侧和25人次双侧超声引导TAP阻滞。单侧阻滞使用8 mL 0.25%布比卡因和80 mg曲安奈德,双侧阻滞每侧使用9 mL 0.25%布比卡因和40 mg曲安奈德。疼痛评分平均减少54.7%,平均持续84天。最后,在一个涉及5名慢性AWP患者的小规模病例报道中,使用不同剂量的罗哌卡因和曲安奈德在超声引导下进行TAP阻滞,4名患者阻滞后疼痛评分至少降低50%,2名患者在术后6个月和12个月的随访时保持轻度疼痛。

The findings of this study have clinical and future research implications. First, TPIs and TAP blocks were associated with significant improvements in pain from baseline to month 3 follow-up. The effect sizes of the change in pain scores were large for the TPI group and medium for the TAP block group. Although the statistic used to estimate effect size was developed for behavioral outcomes, it has been widely used to assess outcomes of procedural trials. Patients with focal AWP are good candidates for a TPI; however, a TAP block may be a reasonable secondary intervention if the patient does not have a favorable or sustained response to a TPI. Second, randomized placebo-controlled trials are needed to determine the efficacy of ultrasound-guided TPIs and TAP blocks for chronic AWP due to ACNES. These trials could also incorporate immediate post-procedural, short- and long-term interval assessments to better characterize the temporal effects of TPIs and TAP blocks compared to placebo. Third, randomized trials need to be developed to investigate the effects of high versus low volume TPIs on pain outcomes. This is important because hydrodissection of the entrapped nerve may be an additional mechanism associated with sustained pain relief. Fourth, randomized trials are needed to determine the independent effects of local anesthetics and corticosteroids on pain outcomes. This type of clinical trial would also provide the opportunity to investigate the potential differential effects of particulate versus non-particulate corticosteroids on pain outcomes. Finally, although no significant association was observed between month 3 pain scores and baseline CES-D and PCS scores, appropriately designed and powered prospective trials are needed to investigate the potential effects of depressive symptoms and pain catastrophizing on pain outcomes.






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