

 新用户8607mFpZ 2022-04-17



2. 功夫在于平时,在于积累,贵在坚持。俗话说“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,学习亦是如此,在于厚积薄发,在于量变产生质变。

3. 大学生思想已经成熟,然而此时的英文表达能力还不足以支撑如此成熟发达的大脑,所以不要妄想写出多么复杂的句子(超级学霸忽略这条)。不妨想想你是不是有过如此经历:往往写出来的所谓复杂句并不出彩,却是令人不解,难以拿高分。建议没有十成把握不要轻易尝试复杂句型,否则反而弄巧成拙。

5. 注意时态、语态,从句等地道表达,这个彰显英文基本功。



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionary. You can start your essay with the sentence “Online dictionary is becoming increasingly popular.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Online dictionary is becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays, more and more people are studying languages with the help of online dictionary, which has aroused a heated debate over the pros and cons. In my opinion, online dictionaries have both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, online dictionaries bring us great convenience to those who have trouble in learning languages . Because not only can the dictionaries enable us to figure out some complex words in some literatures or thesis but improve ourselves without the help of teachers. On the other hand, however, its drawbacks are also obvious. As an electronic device,olnline dictionaries are not as convenient as paper books to be carried everywhere. Once the device is out of power, it will influence our study. In addition, viewing the screen for a long time undoubtedly hurts the users’ eyesight.
To sum up, we can find that the online dictionaries are more like a double-edged sword. Neither do we discard it nor  rely on it completely. Only when we make reasonable use of it can we maximize its benefits tremendously.  

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