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A 1,300-foot, 220,000-ton container ship that has been blocking traffic in the Suez Canal for nearly a week is finally free and once again underway, onboard tracking sites and livestreamed video from the scene indicate.

عودة الملاحة في #قناة_السويس إلى نشاطها الطبيعي #السفينة_الجانحة #تحيا_مصر ❤️🇪🇬 pic.twitter.com/mgWX2djq6d
— السويس | SUEZ (@suez_egypt2020) March 29, 2021

Monday afternoon local time, as tugboat horns blared in celebration for having freed the grounded ship, the Ever Given was seen slowly making its way in the canal. Marinetraffic.com showed the vessel pointed north for the first time since last Tuesday, when in high winds and low visibility it became cross-ways in the canal and ran aground, shutting down all ship traffic in the vital waterway.
"She's free," an official involved in the salvage operation said, according to Reuters.
"We pulled it off!" Peter Berdowski, CEO of Boskalis, the salvage firm hired through SMIT Salvage to rescue the Ever Given and get commerce moving through the waterway again, said in a statement.
"I am excited to announce that our team of experts, working in close collaboration with the Suez Canal Authority, successfully refloated the Ever Given on 29 March at 15:05 hrs local time (9:05 a.m. ET), thereby making free passage through the Suez Canal possible again," he said.
By early afternoon ET, Ever Given was making about 10 knots (11.5 mph) as it headed into Great Bitter Lake, a wide stretch of water halfway between the north and south ends of the canal where the ship is to be inspected to make sure it didn't sustain any serious damage either at the time of the initial grounding or during attempts to free it.


最近,苏伊士运河上发生的搁浅事件,被认为是该运河150年历史上出现的最严重拥堵事件。上文是关于长赐号(Ever Given)终于解困的相关报道。船上的跟踪站点和现场的实时视频显示,一艘长达1300英尺、22万吨,在苏伊士运河上阻塞了近一周交通的集装箱船,最终被释放,重新起航。


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