

 Teyo 2022-05-10 发布于重庆




You are sweeter than the smile on super idol,

you are more shining than the sunshine on the high noon of August.

I love you for a temperature of 105°,just like drops of the pure distilled water.

You have idea that you are so cute, giggling after tumbling down to the floor and standing up.

You never give up easily,keeping pursuing your dream with all efforts.

I feel so secure when you say "Don't feel so fearsome,I am here with you,I will be with you all the way along".

Chasing your dream boldly and fearlessly,with a firm mission.

You are sweeter than the smile on super idol,

you are more shining than the sunshine on the high noon of August.

I love you for a temperature of 105°,just like drops of the pure distilled water.

In this era distinctive to me,I dare to grab an opportunity to crash on you at the temperature of 105°.

Don't forget your initiative and just sweat till the dead.

I love you for a temperature of 105°,just like drops of the pure distilled water.

I will get vigorated after having a sip of it.


  1. giggle 傻笑,痴笑

  2. tumble 跌倒,倒下

  3. distilled water 蒸馏水

  4. vigorate 振作


The light ablazing at distance

Bending your head down to the road

The modern city is too big to hold on, I am flustered

yearning for time-endlessly.

Gone through enough frastration and sorrow.

May forgot the primary smile shallowly.

With time sands away, we become more fragile but stronger.

Just let me sing it for you softly.

I wonder I'd accompany you more,

To narrate my half-life story to you,

I will meditate every lull night,

the mind and heart experiences about your love and hatred.

I wonder I'd enlight you up,to shadow sunshine in your destiny,

trek through the all the four seasons all the way,

Who I stand for in your timeflow of this generation?


1.ablaze 发光

2.fluster 心慌,慌张

3.fragile 脆弱的

4.narrate 叙述,诉说

5.meditate 沉思,冥想

6.hatred 悔恨,仇恨


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