真正的贫穷是什么? 真正的贫穷,不是没房,没车;不是穷困潦倒、身无分文、缺乏物质。 它是脸上的肤浅无知;是眼中的空洞无物;是心灵的一片空白;是思维的高度贫困;是精神的极度匮乏;是茫然随波逐流的心。 真正的贫穷是看到的,无所爱,无所寄,无所望,无所期! What is real poverty? Real poverty is not without a house or a car; Not poor, penniless, lack of material. It is superficial ignorance on the face; Is empty in the eyes; Is a blank of the mind; Is the high poverty of thinking; Is the extreme lack of spirit; It's a lost heart drifting with the tide. Real poverty is seen, no love, no hope, no expectation! |