
All/every/the whole 在表示时间的短语中

 星星情景英语 2022-05-11 发布于上海

Question:今天还讲 All every 等词吗?

Answer:是的,我们今天来谈谈All/every/the whole 在表示时间的短语中。然后还有一个小结。

All/every/the whole 在表示时间的短语中

Natasha dreams about her terrible experiences every night. Sometimes she’s awake all night. Her doctor has given her some tablets that she has to take every three hours. And every two weeks she goes to see a psychiatrist. She has an English lesson every day. Her teacher comes to the flat every morning at 10 a.m. and they spend all morning together. Every Wednesday she spends the whole day at college. She has a busy life now, but all day she thinks of her family and friends.

 1.当every和表时间的词,如minute, hour, day, week, month, year, Monday Tuesday等连用时 ,表示时间的频度(how often)。

Every morning at 10 a.m. her teacher comes to the flat.

She dreams about her terrible experiences every night.

Every two weeks she goes to see a psychiatrist.

2.当all whole和表示时间的词,如morning, evening, day, week , month, year等词连用时,表示时间的长度(how long)。

They spend all morning together.( the whole morning)

She spends the whole day at college.( all day)

Sometimes she’s awake all night.(the whole night)

练习:用 all every填空:

1. she goes to college  ___ Wednesday.

2. She’s at college_____ day on Wednesdays.

3. Her English teacher comes to see her ___ day.

4. Yesterday they spent ___ evening listening to music.



1 She drank the whole bottle of milk.

2 Natasha’s whole village/ The whole of Natasha’s village has been destroyed.  

3 The whole of Eccleston is trying to help Natasha.


1 There are refugees living all over Britain.  

2 Natasha wants to tell people all about her experiences.


Question 中 的“这么”应改为“怎么”。

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