A new study predicts that climate change will cause thousands of new viruses to spread among many kinds of animals by 2070. 一项新的研究预测,到2070年,气候变化将导致数千种新病毒在动物中传播。 The researchers say such spread will likely increase the risk of new diseases that pass from animals to humans. 研究人员说,这种传播可能会增加动物传染人类新疾病的风险。 The research covered about 3,000 kinds of mammals, animals including cats, bats, whales, and humans, to name a few. 这项研究涵盖了大约3000种哺乳动物,包括猫、蝙蝠、鲸鱼和人类,不一而足。 The scientists created a model to see how these species might migrate and share viruses in the next 50 years if the world warms by 2 degrees Celsius. 科学家们创建了一个模型,以观察在全球变暖2℃的情况下,会如何影响未来50年生物的迁徙以及病毒扩散。 Recent research has suggested that such a temperature rise is possible. 最近的研究表明,全球变暖可能性极大。 The team said the model predicted that cross-species virus spread will happen more than 4,000 times among mammals. 该团队表示,该模型预测,跨物种病毒在哺乳动物中传播的次数将超过4000次。 The researchers said not all viruses will spread to humans or lead to widespread pandemics like COVID-19. 研究人员说,并不是所有的病毒都会传播给人类,或者导致像新冠肺炎这样的大规模传染。 However, the study suggests that the high number of cross-species viruses will increase the risk of spread to humans. 然而,研究表明,巨量跨物种病毒将增加传染给人类的风险。 The findings recently appeared in the publication Nature. 最近这一研究发表在《自然》杂志上。 The study points to two major worldwide crises that could cause diseases to be passed from animals to humans – climate change and infectious disease spread. 该研究指出了可能导致疾病从动物传染给人类的两大全球危机——气候变化和传染病传播。 Past research has looked at how deforestation, the disappearance of species and the wildlife trade can lead to animal-human disease spread. 过去的研究关注了森林砍伐、物种消失和野生动物贸易如何导致动物——人类疾病传播。 But there has been less research on how climate change could influence this kind of disease spread, the researchers said. 但研究人员表示,关于气候变化如何影响这种疾病传播的研究较少。 'We don't talk about climate a lot in the context of zoonoses,' said study co-writer Colin Carlson, a professor of biology at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. 该研究的合著者、华盛顿乔治城大学的生物学教授科林·卡尔森说:“在人畜共患病的背景下,很少讨论气候问题。” Zoonoses is a term for diseases that can spread from animals to people. 人畜共患病是指疾病(病原体)从动物传播到人类。 'Our study ...brings together the two most pressing global crises we have,' Carlson added. “我们的研究把人类面临的两个最紧迫的全球危机联系在一起,”卡尔森补充道。 Many experts on climate change and infectious disease agree that a warming planet will likely lead to increased risk that new viruses will be created. 许多研究气候变化和传染病的专家一致认为,全球变暖可能会导致新病毒产生的风险增加。 He told The Associated Press that the latest study supports the idea that new disease threats can be linked to climate change. 他告诉美联社,最新的研究支持了新的疾病威胁可能与气候变化有关的观点。 'This particular contribution is an extremely conservative estimate' for possible new infectious disease spread caused by climate change, Brooks said. 布鲁克斯说,对于气候变化可能导致的新的传染病传播,“这一特殊贡献是一个极其保守的估计”。 Aaron Bernstein is a medical doctor and current director of the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 亚伦·伯恩斯坦是一名医学博士,现任哈佛大学陈氏公共卫生学院气候、健康和全球环境中心主任。 He said the study confirms long-held suspicions about the effects planet warming can have on the creation of new infectious diseases. 他说,这项研究证实了一项长期猜测,即全球变暖可能对新型传染病产生的影响。 He noted that the study suggests such cases 'may already be happening with greater frequency and in places near where many people live,' Bernstein said. 他指出,这项研究表明,此类病例“可能已经以更高的频率在许多人居住的附近发生,”伯恩斯坦说。 Study co-writer Gregory Albery is a disease expert at Georgetown University. 该研究的合著者格雷戈里·阿尔贝里是乔治敦大学的疾病专家。 He told the AP that because climate-driven infectious diseases are likely already being created, the world should be doing more to learn about and prepare for it. 他告诉美联社,气候变化驱动的新型传染病很可能已经成型,人们应该多多了解并为之做准备。 'It's not preventable, even in the best case climate change scenarios,' Albery said. “即使在最好的气候变化情况下,这也是不可预防的,”阿尔贝里说。 I'm Bryan Lynn. 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。 |