

 skysun000001 2022-05-28 发布于北京




图片来源:Andreas WeithCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


“我们发现越来越多有利于火灾发生的天气与夏季北极海冰的减少相关,这进而导致了秋季美国西部野火的增加。”美国西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)的地球科学家王海龙说,“所以我们分析了几十年来对野火、海冰覆盖以及气候条件的观测数据,以确认北极海冰减少与野火风险之间的关系,我们称之为遥相关(teleconnection)。”

王海龙表示冰与火之间存在“遥相关”这个想法并不新鲜,与所谓的“蝴蝶效应”非常相似。1960年气象学家爱德华·劳伦兹(Edward Lorenz)创造出“蝴蝶效应”一词用来解释混沌理论,概括来说就是:如果某地的一只蝴蝶扇动了的翅膀,扰动了足够多的空气,最终可能在另外某处引发一场龙卷风或者其他大规模的大气风暴。






If Sea Ice Melts in the Arctic,

Do Trees Burn in California?

Emily Schwing: Oil and water. Apples and oranges. Fire and Ice…none of these things really seem like they have much to do with one another…or do they?

Hailong Wang: We found that more fire-favorable weather associated with declines in the Arctic sea ice during summer can increase autumn wildfires over the western United States.

Schwing: Hailong Wang is an Earth scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington state.

Wang: So we analyzed a few decades of observations of how wildfire incidents, sea ice cover and weather conditions to identify a relationship between Arctic sea ice decline and the wildfire risks. We called it a teleconnection.

Schwing: Wang says this idea of a fire and ice “tele-connection?” … It’s not new. It’s a lot like the so-called “butterfly effect” - a term coined by meteorologist Edward Lorenz in the 1960’s to explain chaos theory. The idea can be summarized like this: if a butterfly flaps its wings in one location, that could displace enough air to cause a tornado or some other large scale atmospheric storm elsewhere.

Wang: We certainly didn't invent this concept, but it has been in the atmospheric sciences for a long time. So, because of the connections within the Earth system, especially in the atmosphere, one small change in one region could affect other regions through the atmospheric circulations.

Schwing: Connections between declining sea ice and wildfire weather have been made before. Wang says previous findings have relied heavily on statistical relationships.

Wang: For example, they found that maybe Arctic sea ice are declining in many years, and they also found the increase in extreme weather like wildfires in the western U.S.

Schwing:...but they could not explain the cause and effect. So Wang and colleagues took those known statistical relationships a step further. The team applied them to a state of the art climate model with wildfire prediction capabilities.

Wang: In that way, we were able to identify the response of the climate system, including the fire weather over the western U.S. and other responses to the Arctic sea ice.

Schwing: What they found is “a tale of two vortices.”

Wang: So when the summer sea ice is much reduced, ocean can absorb and store more heat from sunlight. Less sea ice cover over the Arctic will allow...[full transcript]


Zou, Y., Rasch, P.J., Wang, H. et al. Increasing large wildfires over the western United States linked to diminishing sea ice in the Arctic. Nat Commun 12, 6048 (2021).

doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26232-9

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