

 衆妙之門 2022-06-08 发布于陕西



Whenyou want something not to grow, just keep your back to it and it dies if itsown accord. Just like a plant that is neglected, not watered, it withers awayand dies. So whenever you see something that is phony, just put itaside.


Ifyou are just about to smile, then suddenly you realize that it would be phony,stop, even in the middle of the smile; relax your lips and ask the person toexcuse you. Tell them it was a phony smile, and you are sorry. If a real smilecomes, then it is okay; if it doesn't, then that is also okay.


Whatcan you do? If it comes, it comes; if it doesn't come, it doesn't. One cannotforce it.


I'mnot saying to just get out of the social formalities. I am saying be watchful,and if you have to be false, be it consciously, Knowing that this person isyour boss and you have to smile, smile consciously, knowing well that it isphony. Let the boss be deceived- you should not be deceived by your smile,that's the point.


 Ifyou smile unconsciously, the boss may not be deceived, because it is difficultto deceive bosses-but you may be deceived. You will pat yourself on the backand think you were perfectly good, such a good boy-but there you are missing.


Soif sometimes you trunk it is necessary-because it may be necessary; life iscomplex and you are not alone; there are many things that you have to dobecause the whole society exists on phoniness-then be phony consciously. But inyour relationships where you can be true, don't allow phoniness.



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