

 新用户1882ga2h 2022-07-21 发布于山东

 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Wakerley BR. Medication-overuse headache. Pract Neurol. 2019,19(5):399-403.本次学习由谢珺田副主任医师主讲。

Who gets medication-overuse headache?

By definition, medication-overuse headache occurs in people with primary headache who overuse acute medication. Most have a background of migraine or less commonly of tension-type headache. Rarely, it develops in people with cluster headache, although typically there is also a background of migraine or a family history of migraine. Although any analgesic can cause medication-overuse headache, triptans and opioids appear to carry the most risk, and do so in a shorter period.Opioid dependence is common among migraineurs and can be difficult to treat. Medication-overuse headache is three to four times more common in women than men and its peak incidence is in the fourth decade. Those with psychiatric comorbidities, including anxiety and depression, appear most susceptible. Other risk factors include: age below 50 years; low education level; chronic musculoskeletal or gastrointestinal complaints; smoking; physical inactivity; high caffeine intake; and tranquilliser use.




The pathophysiology of medication-overuse headache remains poorly understood, but probably reflects the complex interplay between brain networks involved in chronification of pain and exposure to certain psychosocial and socioeconomic stressors in genetically predisposed people. Medication-overuse headache seems to result from increased  neuronal hyperexcitability in the cerebral cortex and in the trigeminal nervous system. Hyperexcitability of cortical neurones is associated with the development of the cortical spreading depression that accompanies migraine aura. Hyperexcitability of the trigeminal nervous system facilitates peripheral and central sensitisation, and so is important in chronic pain development.



Medication-overuse headache should perhaps be reclassified as a disorder occurring only in people with chronic migraine. It can develop in people with cluster headache without migraine—although with a family history of migraine—suggesting that certain genes involved in migraine increase the risk of medication-overuse headache, rather than the migraine itself. Polymorphic variants of the dopaminergic gene system and of other genes related to drug-dependence pathways appear the most closely associated with medication-overuse headache. All of these molecules are involved in pain modulation. Prolonged exposure to analgesics can alter neurotransmitter metabolism in pain pathways. Imaging studies in people with medication-overuse headache provide evidence of structural and functional brain alterations.


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