
The Connells《'74-'75》

 E7音乐 2022-08-02 发布于北京



Everyday music




名: 《'74-'75》

歌者The Connells

词曲Mike Connell

流派:  民谣



Got no reason for coming to me

In the rain running down, there's no reason

And the same voice coming to me

Like it's all slowin' down and believe me

I was the one who let you know

I was your sorry ever after '74-'75

It's not easy, nothing to say

Cause it's already said, it's never easy

When I look on in your eyes then I find that I'll do fine

When I look on in your eyes then I'll do better

I was the one who let you know

I was your sorry ever after '74-'75

Giving me more and I'll defy

Cause you're really only after '74-'75

Got no reason for coming to me

In the rain running down, there's no reason

When I look on in your eyes then I find that I'll do fine

When I look on in your eyes then I'll do better

I was the one who let you know

I was your sorry ever after '74-'75

Giving me more and I'll defy

Cause you're really only after '74-'75

I was the one who let you know

I was your sorry ever after '74-'75

Giving me more and I'll defy

Cause you're really only after '74-'75






今天分享一首The Connells 的《'74-'75》。

今天来首曾在欧洲知名的民谣。这首歌来自The Connells 1993年发行的第五张录音室专辑《Ring 》。在美国,这张专辑在Billboard 200排行榜上排名第 199,其中单曲《Slackjawed》在Billboard的另类歌曲排行榜上排名第九。虽然在美国没有那么火,在欧洲这张专辑还是很受欢迎的。在欧洲 11 个国家进入前十名,挪威和瑞典排名第一。在英国专辑榜上排名第 36 位。今天这首《'74-'75》是乐队最热门的单曲,也是在欧洲最受欢迎的单曲。在 11 个欧洲国家进入前 10 名,并在挪威和瑞典排名第一。还进入了英国榜单的前 20 名。由于他们其他作品表现平平,可以说这是奇迹般的一次成功。

这首歌由乐队吉他手Mike Connell创作,歌曲写于1992年。歌曲很怀旧,反思了时间的流逝以及他曾经认识的人现在如何改变。歌词种描述的是一个女人寻找昔日(1974年和1975年间)的爱人。这昔日的爱人怀疑她可能想重新开始他们的恋情。当时是男人破坏了这段关系,给她造成了情感创伤和痛苦,她一直没有真正恢复。他为自己对她造成的伤害感到尴尬和内疚,但他知道,如果他们试图重新开始他们的恋情,也是行不通的,他只会再次伤害她。这让他对她产生了戒心,所以他唱“没理由来找我”。看看歌手。

The Connells是来自北卡罗来纳州罗利的美国音乐团体。他们演奏以吉他为主、旋律优美的摇滚音乐风格和带有反省的歌词,通常反映美国南部的历史或文化。最初的成员是吉他手Mike Connell与他的兄弟贝斯手 David Connell 、主唱Doug MacMillan 、和未来的电影制作人鼓手John Schultz。

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