诗人的厄运 (美国)安布鲁斯·比尔斯 陈荣生 译 (图片欣赏——李健丽摄/湛江) 一个对象在国王的公路上行走,他沉思冥想,身上什么也没穿。突然,他发现自己已经来到了一座陌生城市的城门口。他申请入城时,被作为一名违反管理条例者逮捕了,并被送到国王面前。 “你是谁,”国王说,“你的谋生职业是什么?” “鼻行动物,鬼鬼祟祟的人,”这个对象回答,用的是现成的发明,“就是扒手。” 国王正要下令释放他之时,宰相提出应该检查犯人的手指。检查发现,这些手指指尖都是很扁平,而且长满了老茧。 “哈!”国王叫了起来,“我告诉你们吧!他痴迷于点计音节。这是一位诗人。把他交给至高无上的神耶和华,以便让他改掉这种坏习惯。” “陛下,”精巧刑罚的发明人说,“我冒昧地提出一种更痛苦的折磨。” “说吧,”国王说。 “让他留着那个脑袋!” 国王同意了,并下达了这个命令。 (译自《伊索寓言新编》) 您若认为此文对教育有益,敬 请 传 阅、推 荐、转 载。 原文如下,若有问题,可留言,我将尽量回答。 The Poet's Doom Ambrose Bierce AN Object was walking along the King's highway wrapped in meditation and with little else on, when he suddenly found himself at the gates of a strange city. On applying for admittance, he was arrested as a necessitator of ordinances, and taken before the King. "Who are you," said the King, "and what is your business in life?" "Snouter the Sneak," replied the Object, with ready invention; "pick-pocket." The King was about to command him to be released when the Prime Minister suggested that the prisoner's fingers be examined. They were found greatly flattened and calloused at the ends. "Ha!" cried the King; "I told you so! - he is addicted to counting syllables. This is a poet. Turn him over to the Lord High Dissuader from the Head Habit." "My liege," said the Inventor-in-Ordinary of Ingenious Penalties, "I venture to suggest a keener affliction. "Name it," the King said. "Let him retain that head!" It was so ordered. |