
双城记 | 星球大战

 盐心Jaffe 2022-08-22 发布于四川

Daniel Hickey,高海奇




My son turned five-years-old recently and he's already asked me more questions about Star Wars than about God. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I'm not saying this is a good thing, either.


The other evening we were eating dinner when he suddenly announced, “Daddy, did you know Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s dad?”

我和妻子惊掉了叉子。这是一个重要的时刻。如果我们两人都没看过原版三部曲,那这一定是所有剧透的爸爸(请原谅这个双关语)。( “I am your father”是电影中的一句台词,它不光揭开了星战系列电影最大的悬念,也贡献了电影史第一大梗。)再说一次,也许不是,因为星战在我们的文化中传播得如此之深,所以你是否看过任何一部电影(目前有12部,计划至少再制作一部三部曲和两部独立电影)或令人窒息的源源不断的电视节目(八部动画和八部真人秀),或玩过100款视频游戏中的任何一款,或阅读过400多部衍生小说中的任何一部……思考这些数字让人筋疲力尽。

My wife and I dropped our forks. This was a big moment. If neither of us had ever seen the original trilogy, it would have been the daddy (pardon the pun) of all spoilers. Then again, maybe not, because Star Wars has beamed so deep into our culture(s) it doesn’t even matter whether or not you’ve seen any of the movies (there are currently 12, with plans to produce at least another trilogy and two more standalone movies) or the drowningly endless stream of TV shows (eight animated and eight live-action) or played any of the 100 video games or read any of the more than 400 spin-off novels…Thinking about the numbers is exhausting.


Like stones heaped on your chest, the sheer weight of Star Wars products presses down on the world. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’ve actually seen the movies, the lore is already familiar, in the same way that people who have never read the Bible know at least the basic outline of the story of Jesus.


Our son is one of those people who has never seen a Star Wars movie.


But he had a question.


Did we know that Darth Vader (Darth Vader!!!) was Luke Skywalker’s dad?


“Yep,” I said. “I’m afraid he is.”


My wife was still searching for her fork on the floor.


“How do you know?” my son asked me.


“I’ve seen the movies,” I said.


But is that actually how I know? Because I can’t remember the exact moment I learned that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker’s dad. Did I know, like my son does, before I saw The Empire Strikes Back (the second and the darkest movie of the original trilogy, the one which reveals the terrible fact of Luke’s ancestry)? Or was I already aware of this information before I saw the film? I can’t remember. It feels like I’ve always been aware of that revelation. Maybe I was born with the knowledge? Is it a priori now, deeper than reflexes? Although, strictly speaking, and on this supposedly linear river of time, that is not possible, as the film was released to cinemas in May 1980, three months after I was born.


But back to my son, who was still slightly confused by this new piece of information, and the confusion was probably why he had asked the question, because he knew that Luke Skywalker was a good guy and Darth Vader was a bad guy, which in his mind begged the another question: how could the villain be the hero’s dad?


“Darth Vader used to be a good guy,” my wife said.


“Yes,” I elaborated, “his name was Annakin Skywalker…” And over the dining table I related the momentous events of the prequel trilogy, how Annakin had been a talented Jedi knight who through lust for power was drawn to the dark side of the Force.


And while telling the story it struck me that I was like a father from some other time, an ancient time, telling his son a legend about a character from mythology, lost beings from the Golden Age, the time of giants and Titans…


When I was finished I asked my son how he had learned the secret of Luke Skywalker’s paternity.


“Samuel told me at school,” he said.


“And how does Samuel know?” I asked. “Has he seen the movies?”


My son shrugged. “No,” he said.  

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