
Procol Harum《A Whiter Shade of Pale》

 E7音乐 2022-08-24 发布于北京



Everyday music



——《A Whiter Shade of Pale

名: 《A Whiter Shade of Pale》

歌者Procol Harum

词曲Gary Brooker&Keith Reid

流派:  前卫摇滚




[Verse 1]

We skipped the light fandango

Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor

I was feeling kinda seasick

But the crowd called out for more

The room was humming harder

As the ceiling flew away

When we called out for another drink

The waiter brought a tray


And so it was that later

As the miller told his tale

That her face, at first just ghostly

Turned a whiter shade of pale

[Bridge 1]

[Verse 2]

She said, there is no reason

And the truth is plain to see

But I wandered through my playing cards

And would not let her be

One of sixteen vestal virgins

Who were leaving for the coast

And although my eyes were open

They might have just as well've been closed


And so it was that later

As the miller told his tale

That her face at first just ghostly

Turned a whiter shade of pale

[Bridge 2]

[Additional Verse]

She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,'

Though in truth we were at sea

So I took her by the looking glass

And forced her to agree

Saying, 'You must be the mermaid

Who took Neptune for a ride.'

But she smiled at me so sadly

That my anger straightway died


And so it was that later

As the miller told his tale

That her face at first just ghostly

Turned a whiter shade of pale

[Verse 4]

If music be the food of love

Then laughter is its queen

And likewise if behind is in front

Then dirt in truth is clean

My mouth by then like cardboard

Seemed to slip straight through my head

So we crash-dived straightway quickly

And attacked the ocean bed


And so it was that later

As the miller told his tale

That her face at first just ghostly

Turned a whiter shade of pale



今天分享一首Procol Harum 的《A Whiter Shade of Pale》。

今天来首很早时候的前卫音乐。这首歌来自Procol Harum乐队1967 年发行的乐队同名首张专辑《Procol Harum》中。这张专辑分别在英国和美国发行,并被收录在Classic Rock杂志的“50 Album That Built Prog Rock”名单中,它还被列入滚石杂志2007 年的“1967 年 40 张基本专辑”。但整体来讲专辑并没有专辑中的歌曲影响力大。今天这首《A Whiter Shade of Pale》是专辑中最有影响力的歌曲。1967年发行时,它在英国,德国,爱尔兰等几个国家都位居榜首。在此后的岁月里,它也成为了经久不衰的经典。这是截至2009年来在英国公共场所播放最多的歌曲,英国表演版权组织Phonographic Performance Limited在2004年承认这是过去70年来英国广播播放最多的唱片。同样在2004年,《滚石》杂志将《A white Shade of Pale》列为有史以来500首最伟大歌曲的第57位。这首歌还获得了 1952-1977 年英国最佳流行单曲奖。它与皇后乐队的《波西米亚狂想曲》并列冠军。

这首歌由Gary Brooker和Keith Reid创作——实际整张专辑都是他们创作的。歌词非常难懂,就好像在说着毫无关系的事情。Keith Reid说:“它有点像一部电影,试图唤起人们的情绪,讲述一个故事。它是关于一段关系的。有角色,有地点,有旅程。你可以听到房间的声音,感受房间的存在,闻到房间的气味。就像是有一块拼图,我有一个标题,“白色的阴影苍白”。你会找出和它对应的拼图把图片填满。”其实,就是作者通过各种意象营造一种能引发人共鸣的情绪,所有的内容根据听众听到的自由联想。另一位作者Gary Brooker完成了这首歌的曲作部分,他说:“我一直在听各种古典音乐和爵士乐。多年来一直演奏摇滚和 R&B,我的视野已经很开阔了。当我遇到Reid,看到他的话,我想,我得为此写点东西。你不必知道其中的意思,只要你传达一种气氛。《A Whiter Shade Of Pale》似乎是关于两个人,关于一段关系。那是一段回忆,有一种离去,有一种悲伤。能把歌词的灵魂用声音传达出来,让人有那种感觉,这是一种成就。”看看歌手。

Procol Harum是 1967 年在埃塞克斯郡的Southend-on-Sea成立的英国摇滚乐队。乐队名字以该团队经理一位朋友的缅甸猫命名。在拉丁文中,它被认为是“在这些遥远的事物之外”的意思。他们最著名的歌曲是 1967 年的热门单曲《A Whiter Shade of Pale》,是少数销量超过 1000 万张的单曲之一。虽然以巴洛克和古典音乐的影响着称,但 Procol Harum 的音乐被描述为带有蓝调、R&B和灵魂的迷幻摇滚和原始前卫音乐。2018 年,当“A Whiteer Shade of Pale”被纳入新的单曲类别时,乐队获得了摇滚名人堂的荣誉。

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