

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京


Journalist:In the past year, COVID-19 dealt a heavy blow to XG. In the next couple of years, XG will enter into an important period of elections. At this year’s N/P/C session, a decision was adopted to improve the electoral system of the XG Special Administrative Region (SAR). The Standing Committee of the N/P/C will amend relevant law. There is extensive attention on the future implementation of One Country, Two Systems. How to ensure the steady implementation of One Country, Two Systems in the XG SAR?


1.A因疫情饱受打击 COVID-19 deals a heavy blow to A

(1)deal sb/sth a blow ;deal a blow to sb/sth = to be very shocking or harmful to sb/sth 令…震惊;给…以打击;使…受到伤害

2.进入重要的选举期 enter into an important period of elections

3. 此时…会议就完善…的选举制度作出了决定 At this year’s…, a decision was adopted  to improve the electoral system of…


(2)作出了决定 adopt a decision

注:adopt = to formally accept a suggestion or policy by voting 正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等)

4.修改相关法律 amend relevant law

5. 外界对于…如何继续实践充满关注 There is extensive attention on the future implementation of…

(1)译文打破原句结构,对核心信息进行整合,增加“extensive”一词可以体现关注度很高。倘若按原文结构输出,势必会造成输出冗长繁琐,比如可以处理为“The outside world pays attention to how China will further implement the policy of…”

6. 您认为“一国两制”在…将来要如何行稳致远How to ensure the steady implementation of…

(1)本句也可以处理为“How do you think China will ensure the steady…”,显然不够简洁。

(2)“行稳致远 ”关键在于对“稳”和“远”的处理,“稳”一般处理为“steady/stable”;“远”的处理比较灵活,一般可以根据情况处理为“发展growth”或“更好better”等意思。



We have made it clear that we will continue to fully and faithfully implement the principle of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of XG administer XG with a high degree of autonomy. We will continue to act in strict accordance with the C and the Basic Law, fully implement the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in the XG SAR, and fully support the SAR government and its Chief Executive in administration according to law.


1.明确提出sb makes it clear that…

2.全面准确地贯彻 fully and faithfully implement…

注:1.faithfully = accurately; carefully 准确地;如实地;仔细地

3. 贯彻“一G两Z”、“G人治G”、高度自治方针 implement the principle of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of XG administer XG with a high degree of autonomy.

4.严格依照…办事 act in strict accordance with…

5.落实好…维护国家anquan的FL制度和执行机制 fully implement the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security

(1)“落实好”即“全面贯彻执行” fully implement…

(2)执行机制 the enforcement mechanisms

6.依法施政 administration according to law





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