音频打卡 据美媒RadarOnline报道,凯特有可能继承女王昂贵的珠宝收藏,预估价值超过一亿美元。
Kate Middleton will most likely inherit the Queen's personal jewelry 凯特·米德尔顿最有可能继承女王的私人珠宝。 The jewelry collection of the late Queen is estimated to be worth $110M, 已故女王的珠宝收藏预估价值为1.1亿美元。 包括98枚胸针、46条项链、34对耳环、15枚戒指、14枚手表和5枚吊坠等。
The brooch dates back to the fourth century BC. 这枚胸针可追溯至公元前4世纪。 The necklace consisted of amethysts set in gold. 这条项链是金镶紫水晶的。 The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald. 这枚吊坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶着珍珠。 由于这些都是女王的私人财产,包括她的传家宝、礼物和自己购买的藏品,所以想留给谁都完全由她自己决定。
Her wedding ring is a family heirloom. 她的婚戒是一枚传家宝。 We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with your purchase. 如果你对购买的商品不满意,我们保证退款。 修改遗嘱 媒体称他们在7月份就收到了王室内部人士的爆料,女王在生前特意修改了遗嘱。 A royal insider says Queen Elizabeth II changed her will right before she died.
“对于谁应该继承她心爱的珍藏珠宝,女王一直都很上心。 She had been concentrating on her prized possessions and who deserved what.
她在最后一刻对遗嘱做了一些改变,这对她的继承人来说将是一个令人震惊的惊喜。” "The whispers are that she's made some last-minute changes to her will that'll be a shocking surprise for her heirs"
Do you think one can completely cut ties with his family? 你觉得一个人能彻底脱离他的家庭吗? You reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 即便女王真的将梅根排除在外也不是出于泄恨,不过是尊重她远离王室的现实情况而已。 If the Queen does indeed cut Meghan out some people think it won't be out of spite, but practicality.
<点击卡片查看中文> ❤小C寄语❤ 人或许能远离自己的家人,但真的能彻底脱离自己的家庭背景吗?【分享】这篇文章到朋友圈,说说你的看法吧~ 由于微信改了推送规则,如果不加星标,系统就会默认你不喜欢小C,慢慢就刷不到我的文章了 |