

 琉璃梨 2022-09-21 发布于四川






a) 关于对已发生的装卸费用是否享有海事优先权,在英国法下的观点与美国法是完全不同;

b) 懈怠原则的定义(Doctrine of Laches Defense)。

c) 建议船东考虑配置交船前抗辩险及海事优先权保险。




Dear Sir,


Reference is made to our previous e-mail.


We have had a chance to peruse the complaint.  We were able to contact counsel for claimants at this late hour, and he agreed to send  us courtesy  copies of the exhibits filed with the complaint.   Based on what we have seen so far, we can advise as follows:


1. The claimants are a company named Company X of USA.

2. The claim is for some unpaid stevedore services, provided to Vessel A at the G terminal from 4 to 16 November 2014.

3. The stevedore services were requested from Company X by Company Y, who were sub charterers of the vessel at the time.

1. 索赔人是美国的X公司;

2. 此次索赔是针对2014年11月4日至16日G码头向A轮提供的一些未付款的装卸服务;

3. 装卸服务是Y公司要求X公司提供的,该公司当时是该轮的二船东;

4. For which reason, this in rem claim is now filed against the Vessel K.  Claimants allege that Company X has a maritime lien under US law, for necessaries provided to the Vessel back in 2014.  The claim is in rem, and thus it is not predicated on the personal liability of the vessel’s current owners, but on the liability of the vessel herself as debtor for services she received and benefited from.

5. Claimants allege that US substantive law applies to this claim, since the stevedoring services were furnished in the US.

6. The quantum of the claim is US$460,000.00 (US$300,000.00 for principal on the invoice, plus US$160,000.00 for contractual interest, at 10% per a year, as provided by the applicable “Rules, Rates and Regulations” of the G Terminal.)

4. 因此,该原告行使了针对K轮的对物诉讼(前身是A轮,经卖船后现已改名为K轮)。索赔人称,根据美国法律,X公司对在2014年向船舶提供必需品及服务后对其提供服务的对象拥有海事优先权。该索赔是可以对物诉讼的,因此它不是以船舶当前所有人的个人责任为基础,而是以船舶本身作为债务人对其所获得的服务和从中受益的责任为基础;

5. 索赔人称,美国实体法适用于该索赔,因为装卸服务是在美国提供的;

6. 索赔金额约为460,000.00美元(账单金额约300,000.00美元,合同利息约160,000.00美元,按G码头适用的“条款、费率和规定”,按每年10%计算);

After discussion with the local lawyer, we think that US substantive law indeed applies to this claim.  Under the conflict of laws rules contained our Code of Maritime Procedure (CMP), a claim for services rendered unto vessels will be governed by the law of the place where the services were furnished, unless otherwise contractually agreed by the parties.  Here, services were furnished in the US.  Our understanding of US law is that a claim for stevedore services will give rise to a maritime lien for necessaries.  A maritime lien, generally speaking, attaches to a vessel, even after a private transfer of ownership.  However, a maritime lien might be defeated by virtue of the equitable doctrine of Laches.  Under this doctrine, certain equitable factors such as the passage of a prolonged period of time, coupled with the arms-length sale of the vessel in question may be sufficiently significant from an equitable standpoint as to prompt a judge to dismiss the maritime lien.  Laches is applied on a case by case basis, and thus there are no hard-and-fast rules that would allow one to predict whether the defense will succeed on the particular facts of a specific case.  We know, however, that transfers of ownership are a crucial factor.  Here, it seems the Vessel Khanged owners not once but twice since the services were rendered .  Further, the debt itself is almost 6 years old.  If the analogous State statute of limitation in local for a contract claim is less than 6 years, that could also be a very significant factor towards making a case for a Laches defense.  We would need advice from US counsel (preferably licensed in Local) in order to ascertain how good the case for Laches is, but our sense is that perhaps Laches might be a very viable defense on the facts of the case known so far.


Regarding security to release a vessel in Panama, the options under our CMP are:


- A cash bond from Panama’s central bank (the BNP).

- A certified check from a private Panamanian licensed bank.

- An LG from a Panamanian licensed bank.

- An LG from a Panamanian licensed insurance company.

- Any other security the parties jointly agree to (such as an LOU)

- 巴拿马中央银行(BNP)出具的的现金债券;

- 巴拿马私人持牌银行出具的保付支票;

- 巴拿马持牌银行的担保书(LG);

- 巴拿马持牌保险公司的担保书(LG);

- 双方一致同意的任何其他担保函(如LOU)。

The amount to be posted to release the vessel, as of today, is US$677,520.00 broken down as follows:


i) US$460,000.00 (quantum of claim)

ii) US$140,000.00 (3 years of legal interest, at 10% p.a.)

iii) US$75,000.00 (legal fees as per Panama’s Official Tariff)

iv) US$2,500.00 (arrest expenses as of today)

i) 460,000.00美元(索赔金额)

ii) 140,000.00美元(3年法定利息,年息10%)

iii) 75,000.00美元(按巴拿马官方关税计算的法律费用)

iv) US$2,500.00(截至目前为止的扣船费用)

Finally, we will make some brief comments about possible defense strategies.  If, as it appears, the vessel has a viable Laches defense, we could articulate that in either of two ways:


I.   As an Apremio challenge to the arrest.  An Apremio is an summary challenge to an arrest, in this case on the premise that clearly claimants do not have a maritime lien under US law.  Whether or not that is the case, is something for US counsel to opine.  An Apremio must be filed before the arrest is lifted.  Otherwise, the right to file an Apremio is waived.  The attractive thing about an Apremio challenge is that, even though they are hard to win, if the Judge concludes the arrest is wrongful, the arrest is lifted immediately, and the security is likewise immediately returned to the defendants.  The decision may be appealed by the claimant, but that appeal will not prevent the immediate return of the security.  The drawback of the Apremio is that it must be filed prior to the posting of security, and we must present with sufficient evidence that in the case at hand there is not maritime lien (i.e.- that the lien has lapsed due to Laches).  We can file the Apremio and then immediately post security after that, but we could not file an Apremio without having a supporting opinion from US counsel.  Thus, if a decision is made to file an Apremio challenge, we need to start working with US counsel at once.


II.  Alternatively, the Laches defense may be subsequently raised as a special interlocutory defense.  This defense will be heard at a Special Hearing.  Like in the case of the Apremio, the moving party will have the burden of proof (but, in our view, such burden is a lot less than it is in an Apremio challenge).  If the Judge decides then that maritime lien has become extinct due to Laches, this again can be appealed by the claimant, but that appeal would be suspensive – meaning that the security will remain lodged in court, pending the ruling on appeal.  We would also need an opinion from US counsel to substantiate this defense, but there will be much more ample time to file this, since the defense need only be raised when it comes time to answer the complaint (30 days after the arrest).  Courts are now official closed for regular business due to COVID-19.  Technically speaking, today is a non-working day in Panama, and things will remain as such until courts official reopen for business (on 4 May 2020).  Once courts re-open, the 30 day term to answer the complaint starts to run.


The advise of US counsel is key in order be able to effectively formulate a defense strategy.  Please, let us know if you have a particular US law firm (in Texas, preferably) that you work with.  Otherwise, we can recommend one. 


We look forward to your questions/comments.






原创:Ronel Bridge

翻译:Michelle Miao

改编审核:David Di / Thomas Cheung

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