
Changes around me

 黑白丶我的世界 2022-10-31 发布于湖南

Changes around me

The biggest thing that has not changed in my life is the elevator in our building. "Bang" the door of the elevator opened, a go in, smell is a fragrance, think about before, rather than take the elevator, it is better to climb the stairs!

 In the previous elevator, it is not a pungent vinegar, the taste of soy sauce, is the smell of dog urine, let people smell all want to vomit. And now, the elevator cleaners are becoming more diligent. Not only clean, but also a very comfortable smell.

In the past, the elevator was pasted with small advertisements everywhere, once into the elevator is very awkward, now, the elevator is almost no. What leaves a person is fresh, refreshing feeling

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