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information fusion模板
2022-11-11 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
information fusion模板Information FusionOdile PapiniLSIS-CNRS,Université
de Méditerranée, ESIL,163 av. de Luminy - 13288 Marseille Cedex
09. Francepapini@esil.univmed.frMerging information coming from d
ifferent sources is an important issue in var-ious domains of com
puter science like knowledge representation for artificial in-tel
ligence, decision making or databases. The aim of fusion is to ob
tain a globalpoint of view, exploiting the complementarity betwee
n sources, solving differentexisting conflicts, reducing the poss
ible redundancies.When focusing on merging, one has to pay attent
ion to the nature of thetargeted information to be merged: belief
s, generic knowledge, goals or prefer-ences, laws or regulations
since the kind of fusion deeply depends on the natureof informati
on provided by the sources [I]. Beliefs are factual information,
theyrepresent agent''s perceptions or observations and can be fals
e. A belief base isan agent''s description of the world according
to its perceptions and the fusion ofbelief bases expresses the be
liefs of a group of agents on the basis of the invidualbeliefs. O
n constrast, generic knowledge is unquestionable information. Whe
nmerging generic knowledge coming from different sources, the onl
y acceptablefusion method is the conjunction of the information p
rovided by the sources andthis conjunction has to be consistent.
Moreover, beliefs and generic knowledgerepresent the world as it
is assumed to be, however goals or preferences representthe world
as it should evolve for the agent and merging goal bases or pref
erencebases amounts to find which goals a group of agents should
converge to in orderto best satisfy the group. This is related to
preference aggregation. Regulations,laws, specifications describ
e the world as it should be ideally. The aim of thiskind of fusio
n is to provide a consistent base of regulations from several ini
tialbases that could conflict.Among the various approaches of mul
ti-sources information merging, sym-bolic approaches gave rise to
increasing interest within the artificial intelligencecommunity
[23456] the last decade. Belief bases merging has received muchat
tention and most of the approaches have been defined within the f
rameworkof classical logic, more often propositional.Postulates c
haracterizing the rational behavior of fusion operations have bee
nproposed [7] which capture the following basic assumptions. The
sources aremutually independant and no implicit link between the
information from thedifferent sources are assumed. All sources ha
ve the same level of importance andprovide consistent belief base
s. All information from a source have the same levelof reliabilit
y or priority. Due to the non-constructive nature of these postul
ates,the core problem is the definition of fusion operations. Sev
eral merging opera-tions have been proposed that can be divided into two families. The semanticA. Doshpande and A. Hunter (Eds.): SUM 2010, LNAI 6379, pp. 20-23, 2010.? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010