日进一卒,功不唐捐。 今天是咱们一起学习的第 1038 天

颅内静脉窦血栓的介入干预指征是? 1. 临床恶化——我们将“临床恶化”定义为尽管进行了最佳的医疗管理,但出现以下任何一种或多种特征的复合终点,且排除了其他原因,如电解质紊乱、尿毒症、肝功能障碍: (1)与入院时的评分相比,格拉斯哥昏迷评分下降(格拉斯哥昏厥评分<8或运动/言语/睁眼反应下降至少1分) (2)恶化/新发局灶性神经功能缺损 (3)新发/复发性癫痫 2.颅内高压恶化——我们将“颅内高压恶化”定义为尽管进行了最佳医疗管理,但出现以下任何一种或多种特征的复合终点: (1)颅内压升高的持续症状(头痛加剧、持续呕吐、心动过缓和高血压) (2)ICU住院期间的重复成像显示静脉梗死继发的脑水肿/肿块效应恶化 3. 深静脉系统受累(直窦、盖伦静脉和大脑内静脉) 4. 全身抗凝的禁忌症,如严重血小板减少症(血小板<20 000cu mm,活动性全身出血或出血体质)
Definitions for Indications for MTClinical deterioration – We defined “clinical deterioration” as a composite end point of occurrence of any 1 or a combination of the following features despite optimal medical management, with other causes like dyselectrolytemia, uremia, hepatic dysfunction being excluded: Drop in Glasgow Coma Score when compared with the score at admission (Glasgow Coma Score<8 or drop by at least 1 point in either motor/verbal/eye opening responses) Worsening/new onset focal neurological deficits New onset/recurrent seizures
Worsening intracranial hypertension – We defined “Worsening intracranial hypertension” as a composite endpoint of occurrence of any 1 or a combination of the following features despite optimal medical management: Persistent symptoms of raised intracranial pressures (increased headache, protracted vomiting, bradycardia, and hypertension) Repeat imaging during the course of ICU stay showing worsening cerebral edema/mass effect secondary to venous infarction
Involvement of deep venous system (straight sinus, vein of Galen, and internal cerebral veins) Contraindication to systemic anticoagulation such as severe thrombocytopenia (platelets <20 000cu mm, active systemic bleeding or bleeding diathesis)

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