
CCDC 2023

 优优的爸 2022-11-24 发布于河南
The 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2023) will be held in Yichang, China, from 20 to 22 May 2023. Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) is an annual international conference, covering both theories and applications in all areas of control, system, and decision. Its purpose is to create a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners from all over the world to present the latest developments in control, decision, robotics, automation, and other emerging technologies. CCDC provides a variety of opportunities for academic exchange and sharing, such as keynotes, distinguished lectures, preconference workshops, special sessions, tutorials, thematic forums, oral presentation sessions, interactive sessions, and so on. English is the official language for CCDC. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Yichang, known as “the pearl of the Three Gorges and the world hydropower center”, is a charming and prosperous city located in the west part of Hubei Province and adjacent to the world-famous Xiling Gorge of the Three Gorges. Its beauty has been vividly described by a poet as “A place interconnecting Shu and Chu, and a magic land blessed by nature with unrivalled scenery”.

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