

 rabitzn 2022-12-07 发布于江苏

满江红 皇菊茶           MANJIANGHONG  Chrysanthemum Tea
张宁仁安 (无锡)       By Zhang Ning
斜雨迎晨,           Raining in the morning,
商秋末、             At the end of the autumn,
千峰霜肃。           Mountains are covered in the frost.
银杏叶、枯黄飞落,     Ginkgo leaves are fading and dropping
石阶岩麓。           To the steps of mountain foot.
岸柳垂枝消冷翠,       Willows no more green,
芦花飘絮旋轻簌。       Reed catkins float.
碧荷凋、烟岭众芳颓,    Lotus and mountain flowers are withering,
犹幽馥。             But still there smells faint scent.

原来是,乡土谷。       There chrysanthemum is said.
称道有,皇金菊。       In the valley it turns out.
纵横野陌中,         All over the field,
光彩怡目。           They are so brilliant.
秾冽繁葩金粲丽,       Shining golden flowers out stand,
清新嫩蕊娇妍淑。       And the buds are so fresh and delicate.
一朵花,泡出一杯茶,    A flower, a cup of tea is made,  
清香郁。             Refreshing smell smelt.

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