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七年级英语模块1 Uint1 第一课时 赵小伟2月10日第4节课优质教育课件PPT
2022-12-10 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 1 Whose bag is this?Period 1 Listening an
d speakingBy Allan课前准备:1.七下课本或者相应的电子书2.课堂笔记本3.草稿本、红笔和黑色水笔学习目标通过本节
课的学习,我们将:1. 掌握本课的重点单词和句型:单词: crayon、eraser、glove、wallet、watch、min
e、 yours、hers、careful句型: Whose bag is this? --It’s mine.
Is this … yours?/Are these … yours? Welcome back to
school! Here is/are ….2. 能听懂、理解关于失物招领的简短对话;3. 能用名词性物主代词
来谈论、寻找失物的主人;4. 初步理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别。found找到的lost and found box
失物招领箱lost丢失的①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧1.____________ 2.____________3.____________4.
___ Guess:What’s in the lost and found box? /b?ɡ/bag foot
ball watch wallet crayonS tapes eraser gloveS
/?f?tb??l//?''re?z?//''kre??nz//te?ps/ /gl?vz//w?t?//''w?l?t/bag
crayons eraser football gloves wallet
watch 1234765Match the words from the box with the picture
s.1. Is the football Tony’s?2. Are the crayons Betty’s?3. Whose g
loves are these?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.A. Yes,
they are. B. No, they aren’t.They are ________.Betty’sListen a
nd answer.Betty: Is this your football, Tony?Tony: Oh yes. Thank
you. And that’s my sweater. Are these your
crayons, Betty?Betty: No, they aren’t.Tony: Whose crayons are the
y?Betty: I think they’re Lingling’s. But these gloves
are mine.Tony: And that’s my wallet.How to find the owner? 1. my2
. your3. her4. hismineyourshershis寻找失主的句子1.Is this your football?
2.Are these your crayons?3. Whose crayons are they?Find the owner
s(主人)Lost &found A: Whose crayon(s) is this/are these?B: It''s /Th
ey''reBetty''s crayon(s). It''s/They''re hers.A: Is this/Are these
crayon(s) yours, Betty?C: Yes, it''s/they''re my crayon(s). It''
s/They''re mine. /No, it''s/they''re not my crayon(s). It''s/ They''re
not mine.yoursminehershis Ms Li takes a lost and found box to he
r classroom. Can you guess what things are in the box? GuessListe
n and circletapes41.35Listen and fill in the blankstapeswalletwat
chglovesbe careful withfrom now onbagcrayonseraser Ms Li: We
lcome back to school, everyone! First of all, come and look in th
e lost and found box! There are a lot of things i
n it. Whose bag is this? Ling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my c
rayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours? Ling: Yes
, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes a
re these?Daming: They’re mine. Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet!
Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name “Tony”! Thank you. Ms L
i: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Dami
ng?Daming: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Ling: Yes, it’
s hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from
now on. Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they
? Ms Li: Let me see… Oh, they’re mine! Thank you!升调 降调 重音
连读 停顿Listen and readA: …Come and look in the lost and found bo
x. There are a lot of things in it. Whose … is this?B: … A: Is th
is...yours/…?C: …A: Are these...yours/…?D: …A: Here''s/Here''re...
Whose...is it/are they? B: …C: Look at.... Is this/Are these...yo
urs/…? D: …A: Everyone, please be careful with your things from n
ow on.There’s a lost and found box in the classroom. There are ma
ny things in it.yoursminehershisGroupworkHave a quiz!1.你学到了那些单词呢?
一、根据中文提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. There is an ________(橡皮)on the desk.2. Get
some money from the_______(钱包).3. Put on your________(手套) it’s c
old outside.4. Look at the________(手表), it’s Tom’s.5. I like to d
raw with_________(蜡笔).6. The English _____ (磁带)are Ms. Li''s.2. 你学
习到了那些有用的句型?walleterasergloveswatchcrayonsWhose bag is this?Are th
ese crayons yours?Whose tapes are these?Here’s a purple wallet.Lo
ok at this nice watch. Is it yours too?Here are some nice gloves.
Whose gloves are they?Everyone, please be careful with your thi
ngs from now on.Have a summary!二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。A: Hello,Tony. Is t
his _____(you) basketball?B: No, it''s not _____(I)basketball. ___
___(I) is in the classroom.A: _____(who) books are these?Are the
y Lingling''s, Betty?B: No, they are not ______(she)books. ____(sh
e) are on the desk.Look,there are Tom''s names on them.A: I''m sur
e. They''re ______(he)books. They''re ____(he)tapesyourmyMineWhoseh
erHershishisyour basketball=yoursmy basketball=mineher books=hers
his books=his2.你学到了那些语法呢?A (必做):听、跟读并背诵课本第二页的对话(听读2遍,背诵1-5和13-17行
).复习巩固本节课重点单词和句子,听写U1单词.完成课本第三页的练习5.B (选做): 同桌合作优化课堂上Groupwork的对话
,并写在作文本上,明天上课展示. HomeworkBlackboard design crayon(s)eraser(s)glov
e(s)wallet(s)watch(s)tape(s)1.—Is this your
? —It''s .2.—Are these your ? —They''re .3. —Whose are they? —They''re .yoursminehershisourstheirsitsModule 1 Lost and foundUnit 1 Whose bag is this?