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2022-12-17 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
读句子 读句子 , , 猜猜他是谁 猜猜他是谁 ? ?
He is a player who is very famous in the world.
He ppy lays football which is p pop pular all over the world.
He is a man whose wife is a world-famous singer.
He He lives lives in in the the country country wher where e t the he 2012 2012 Olympic Olympic was was h held. eld.
He was the leader of the team in the year when the 18th World
Cup Cup w was as held. held.
Do you know the reason why he is so famous and successful?
定语从句 He is a player who is very famous in the world.
Harry Porter is a boy who has magic power.
I have never seen the girl who you mentioned yesterday.
关系词 关系词
She is the teacher who we want to visit.
He is a player who is very famous in the world.
H He pl lays f footb ball ll whi hich h i is popul lar all ll over th he world ld.
He is a man whose wife is a world-famous singer.
He is a player who\ that is very famous in the world.
He lives in the country where the 2012 Olympic was held.
Harry Porter is a boy who\ that has magic power.
He was the leader of the team in the year when the 18th World
I have never seen the girl who\ that you mentioned yesterday.
Cup was held.
She is the teacher who\ that we want to visit.
Do you know the reason why he is so famous and successful?
1He is a player who\ that is very famous in the world. He is a player who\ that is very famous in the world.
Harry Porter is a boy who\ that has magic power. Harry Porter is a boy who\ that has magic power.
I have never seen the girl who\ that \whom you mentioned I have never seen the girl (who\ that \whom) you mentioned
yesterday. yesterday.
She is the teacher who\ that \whom we want to visit. She is the teacher (who\ that \whom) we want to visit.
先行词 先行词 关系词 关系词 从句中的成分 从句中的成分 是否省略 是否省略
who\whom\that 主、宾 主( ) 宾()

牛刀小试 He plays football which is popular all over the world.
These are the trees which were planted last year.
1.The man is a doctor. He lives opposite our house.
I like the book which you bought yesterday.
She got a computer which her parents bought for her.
2. Do you know the man? He is talking to your teacher.
3. He is the film star. We like him very much.
He plays football which\ that is popular all over the world.
Th These are th the t trees wh hi ich h\ \ th that t were pl lant ted d l last t year.
4. This is the girl. He worked with her.
I like the book which\ that you bought yesterday.
Sh She got t a comput ter whi hich h\ \ th that t h her parent ts b bought ht f for h her.
2He plays football which\ that is popular all over the world. 牛刀小试
These are the trees which\ that were planted last year.
1.That is the book. I am looking for it.
I like the book (which\ that) you bought yesterday.
She got a computer (which\ that) her parents bought for her.
2. This is a truck. It is made in China.
3. The knife can’t be found. I cut the apple with it.
先行词 先行词 关系词 关系词 从句中的成分 从句中的成分 是否省略 是否省略
which\that 主、宾 主( ) 宾()

1. This is the film star. His name is well known all over the world.
I I know know t the he girl girl ________ mother mother is is a a t teacher eacher.
I have a book _______ cover is yellow.
2. Here is the girl. Her brother works in this shop.
先行词 先行词 关系词 关系词 从句中的成分 从句中的成分 是否省略 是否省略
3. I want to talk to the boy. Their homework hasn’t been handed
3He lives in the country where the 2012 Olympic was held. 一答到底
He was the leader of the team in the year when the 18th World
Cup was held.
1.I have a friend __________ likes listening to classical music.
This is the place where I was born. 2.Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress __________ I gave
I remember the day when I first met him.
3.The man _______ leg broke in a match used to be a football
pl layer.
4.The boy with _______ John spoke is my brother.
5 5.Kevin Kevin is is r re eading ading a a book book _____________is is too too d difficult ifficult for for h him im.
先行词 先行词 关系词 关系词 从句中的成分 从句中的成分 是否省略 是否省略
where 地点状语
when 时间状语 时间状语
4. The gentleman ______ you told me yesterday proved to be a
thi thief f.
1.Do you know the man ______ is talking with your father?
A. who B. about whom C. whom
A. whose B. who C. which
5 5. T The he doctor doctor ______ you you ar are e l looking ooking f for or is is in in the the r room oom.
2. The boys ______ the teacher talked to are from Class one.
A. whom B. what C. which
A. when B. which C. who
6. This book is for the students ______ native lang guag ge is not
33 . T Th hose ______ want t t to go t to t th h e museum mustb t be att t th he sch hool l
gate at 7 tomorrow morning.
A. that B. of whom C. whose
A A. w who ho B B. w which hich C C. w whom hom
47. The boy ______ composition won the first prize is the youngest
it in thh e group.
A. who B. whose C. that
8 8. I I still still r re emember member the the year year ______ you you graduated graduated fr from om No No. 8 8
Middle School.
A. when B. which C. that