

 游客mk69cdy5zs 2022-12-30 发布于加拿大

“Can” we use? Sure. But SHOULD we use…..??

To answer this question I would respectfully reply that I will go with what the evidence has shown to be effective in reducing the severity or progression (or even to “cure”) the disease. And this evidence should conform to established scientific method. The very least of which should include the ability to be reproduce the results in numerous subjects, preferably in a myriad of types of subject patients.

To date neither of these substances have in any stretch shown to provide this level of evidence. Therefore I would humbly submit the “should not” be used in patients infected with with COVID-19.

As an aside I would not classify hydroxychloroquine as a homeopathic medicine. As I understand this class of therapies it could not be considered as such.

It is traditionally classified as a DMARD (Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug). It is believed to interfere with parasitic vesicle functions and phospholipid metabolism by increasing pH, interrupting plasmodial erythrocyte stages (antimalarial); inhibits rheumatoid factor, acute phase reactants and various enzymes (antyirheumatic/immunosuppression) .

(No, I didn’t know that by heart. I had to look it up…….just trying to look smart)

My point is with some practitioners expounding its use in COPVD-19 there developed a shortage for patients that the drug actually has evidence for use in.

This to me is unacceptable. If you care for patients (literally or figuratively) base your decisions on evidence .

Stay healthy.

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