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人教版英语七年级上册 Unit6 Do you like bananas?综合素养展训B
2023-01-01 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Unit6 Do you like bananas? Section B 基于一线教学反思的综合素养设计 英汉互译(人人过关)《Passi
ng Time》:fresh vegetables 2. 水果拼盘 3. 饮食习惯 4. want to be
5. for lunch 6. be fat 7. 不做作业 8. answer my question 一个运动明星
10.my deskmate You know what I really like! 12. play ...we
ll 按要求填空同步设计:{Fill the blanks in order}我12岁了,至少两种表达(英语) 1
2.Cindy has a good eating_________(习惯)_______ he like eating h
ealthy food? Yes, he does. I ________ (not eat) tomatoes and eg
gsWhat color is the orange? It is ________(橘黄色) —Do they like _
_______ TV? (看电视) Yes,they do!The boy is ____________, and he is
always in good ________.(健康) I have _________(鸡肉) at his birthd
ay party today. These boys are my ________(老表). We often play wi
th together .10. Lucy always ________(吃) some hamburgers for bre
akfast.三、单元句式素养设计把握(Find the topic for teaching)举例: I like
healthy eating habit.I 主语 like 谓语 healthy eating habit. 宾
语 宾语的定义是 : David asks the volleball star. (请分析句子成分)We all don
''t love eating rice and beef.(请分析句子成分)Nobody wants to be fat
.(请分析句子成分)请根据所学知识,谈谈你对英语中主谓宾句子结构的认识。 四.阅读与生活英语(Interest and life
) For me,I just want to say,I am really a real foodie. If (如果)I
have a goodDinning room ,I will cook and do something useful I l
ike. I like so many kinds of fruits and I will buy a big fridge
. I put it at the corner of(在...角落) the kitchen. There are so muc
h food in it. Pears,apples,bananas and strawberries are so fres
h and lively(绿意盎然的)I also like meat. All kinds of meat are rich.
I put it on the pot and cook it easily. The smart kithcen is goi
ng on. Yeah ,I turn on the main button,the robot can cook a deli
cious meal for me as well.(也)绘图区: 按照文中的信息请你画出,作者梦想的小餐厅。
My Dream Dinning Room 我梦想的餐厅五、阅读素养积累《Today a reader,tomorrow a l
eader》 I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning,I do my homewor
k. After lunch, I go shopping with my mother. At about five o’clo
ck, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a
football game on TV. I often help my mother with housework. I wat
ch TV with my parents in the evening. Then(紧接着) I go to bed at ni
ne o’clock. I’m very happy on weekends.( )1.Does the writer(作者)
have a good time on weekend?No,he isn''t.B. Yes,he is . C.Yes,he d
oes. D.No,he doesn''t.( )2.I go to a shop .A. after dinner B.be
fore lunchC.after breakfastD.after lunch( )3. I watch a football
game TV .inB.on C.atD.before ( )4.What does the writer do on Sun
day?①do homeork ②do housework ③go shopping ④playfootball ⑤watch
TV①③⑤ B.②④⑤ C.①④⑤ D.② ③⑤()5.Which statement(句子) is TRUE according
to(通过) the text (课文)?A.The writer goes to bed at ten o’clock .B.
About five o’clock, I go to play basketball with my friend,on Su
nday. C.The writer has a good time on sundays .D.The writer has s
o much homework to do. 参考答案(感谢你的耕耘):汉译英:新鲜水果 2.Fruit pla
tters/combination fruits 3.饮食习惯 4.想成为...5.吃午餐具体(食物)
6.变胖的......(状态)7.doesn''t/don''t do homework 8.回应、回答我的问题 9.
my sport star 10.我的同桌11.你熟悉我真正想要的是什么...... 12.
打(球)打得好......填空题 我12岁了。四种表达: I am 12. I am 12 years old.I am at
the age of 12.I am a 12-year-old boy/girl. habit考察固定短语表达Does考察单
三和助动词的使用和照妖镜作用。4.don''t eat考察含有实意动词的否定回答形式 5.orange 考察形容词6.watchi
ng考察like后加doing的形式 like doing 喜欢做某事。。。。。。7.healthy 健康的 health
健康 考察形容词和名词区别8. chicken考察 鸡肉 不可数名词9. cousins老表 (老表们)10.eats考
察实意动词的单三形式三、句子结构分析与成分划分:(主谓宾)I 主语 like 谓语 healthy eating ha
bit. 宾语1. 宾语的定义是 : 宾语是谓语动词所陈述表达的对象或内容 。2.David (主语) asks(谓语) the
volleball star. (宾语) 3.We(主语) all don''t love (谓语)eating rice
and beef.(宾语)4.Nobody(主语) wants(谓语) to be fat.(宾语) 5.请根据所学知识,谈谈
你对英语中主谓宾句子结构的认识。 主谓宾是英语中的最基本句子形式,也是构成英语表达的最常见句式之一。主谓宾中变化最大是谓语动词(实意动词),各种形式的变化刚好说明了主语经常性习惯性发生的动作或者存在的状态。 四、根据小文章绘制图形,根据提示句子画出物品! 绘图区: 按照文中的信息请你画出,作者梦想的小餐厅。 My Dream Dinning Room 我梦想的餐厅五、阅读素养 1-5 CDBBC