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2023-01-10 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
alarm clock 闹钟
the alarm clock goes off 闹钟响了
alarm 闹钟;警报;警报器
to set the alarm clock 设置闹钟
固定搭配:to set the alarm clock for + time
例句:I usually set my alarm clock for 7 am so that I can get up on time.
to go off (警报器)发出巨响;爆炸
例句:Then the fire alarm went off, I just grabbed my clothes and ran

wake (up) 醒来;唤醒
to wake (up) from 从… … 醒过来
例句:The alarm didn''t go off, so I didn''t wake up from sleep.
wake the dead 吵死 人了
Will you please keep your voice down for a moment? It can really wake
the dead.

to get up 起床;站起
例句:Sun and shine, you sleepy head! Get up, or you''ll be late for work!
to get sb. up 叫某人 起床
morning call / wake-up call service 叫醒服 务
——Is there the morning call service in the hotel? ——Yes, we do. What time shall we get you up?
to wash one''s face/hands 洗脸/ 手
to do the laundry 洗衣 服
to brush your teeth 刷牙
例句:Come on, get up and go wash your face and brush you teeth, it''s
time to drive kids to school.

小便:to go pee(pee) / take a leak / number one
大便:to go poo(poo) / take a dump / number two
例句:He goes number one first thing in the morning.
例句:I was so nervous and almost peed in my pants.
1. Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom / men''s room / lady''s
room / women''s room / toilet.
2. Excuse me, do you know where I can wash my hands?
3. I''ll be right back.
4. I gotta go man, nature calls.
5. I gotta go to the John.
6. I gotta go to the loo.
7. Sorry, I have to go and drop the kids off the pool

to shave 刮胡子 to shave oneself 刮脸/ 刮胡子
shaver 电动剃刀
razor 手动剃刀
electric razor 电动剃 刀
shaving cream 剃须膏
例句:Every morning he shaves (himself) with this electric razor.
to shave sb 给某人刮脸/ 刮胡子
例句:I am gonna go to a barber shop (Hair Salon) to ask someone to
shave me.
例句:Your beard is a little too long, you need a shave.
moustache 八字胡
sideburns 连鬓胡子/ 络腮胡
goatee 山羊胡
full beard 满脸胡子

to wash your hair 洗头
to wash your hair / hands / face
to clean one''s hands / face
We should clean / wash our hands before meals and rinse after meals.
to wash off 洗掉
例句:That red wine stain is going to be hard to wash off. 例句:That red wine stain will wash off easily.
1. turn on the tap
2. get (liquid) soap
3. scrub your hands
4. rinse your hands
5. turn off the tap
6. dry your hands

dry 干燥的;把… … 弄 干
例句:In summer, most of cities in the north of China are dry hot.
例句:After the accident, I told her, that things happened whether we
like it or not, dry your tears and move on.
drier 干燥机/ 吹风机
hair drier 吹风机
hand drier 吹干机

to put on make-up 化妆
make up 化妆
make-up 化妆品
例句:Honestly, I don''t quite like girls with heavy make-up.
例句:I slightly make myself up each day before going to work.
make up 用法
1. 构成/ 组成/ 形成 The whole team is made up of six people.
2. 占(多少比例)This make up 15% of their tatal income.
3. 编造/ 虚构/ 捏造 What she said is not ture, she made it up.
4. 和解/ 言归于好 Look, I''ve come to make up, not to pick up a fight.
5. 弥补/ 补偿 Please, just give me one more chance, I promise I''ll
make it up to you.
6. 补考/ 补上(功课) She soon made up the lessons she had missed.
7. to make up one''s mind to do something 下定决心做某事
I have already made up my mind to quit my present job.

The ship has sailed. 木已成舟/ 时机已过
Thank you for the advice, but the decision has been made, the ship has
to get dressed 穿衣 打扮(尤指穿好衣服+ 化好妆)
dress 连衣裙/ 女裙 穿衣服
例句:We need four new dresses for our bridesmaids.
To be dressed to kill. 打扮的光彩过目/ 夺人眼球
You are dressed to kill today!
to make the bed 叠被 子/ 整理床铺
例句:Please make the bed before you come down for breakfast, okay?

to have breakfast 吃早餐
Did you have your breakfast this morning?

the rush hour is killing me! 早高峰真让人 抓狂啊!
rush hour 早/ 晚高峰
sth. is killing me = to drive me crazy
He''s such an asshole and making no sense at all, somebody go talk to
him, he''s driving me crazy!
God, I am so beat today, the job is killing me!

you said it! 谁说不是呢/ 你说得对

hit the No.10 (乘坐 电梯)按一下 10 层
excuse, can you help me hit the No.10, please? Thanks.

well, i would/will say... 口语中常用口头语

home-made 自己/ 家 里做的 例句:I prefer home-made food, those take-out food won''t do you any
won''t do you any good 对你没什么好处
You are supposed to quit smoking ASAP, it won''t do you any good.

good for you =
good job
happy for you! so glad to hear that!
you deserve it! 这是你应得的
i''m proud of you!
呵呵(表敷衍)you really want to try? OK, good for you!

to do the housework 做家务
to clear (the dishes from) the tables 收拾饭桌
to do the dishes 洗碗/ 刷盘子
to clean the chopsticks 洗筷子
to sweep/clean/mop the floor 扫地/ 拖地
to clean the toilet 清洁马桶
to do the laundry 洗衣 服
to fold(up) your cloths 叠好衣服
clean up one''s room to take/throw out the garbage 扔垃圾、、

put on one''s clothes 穿上衣服
you need to put on your clothes quickly or you''ll be late for work.
try on clothes 试穿衣 服
can I try on the clothes hung on the wall? Sure. I will get them for you.
take off one''s clothes 脱衣服
please don''t drop your clothes on the floor when you take them off. It
looks messy.
Sorry, I will pick them up right away.
change clothes 换 衣服
I didn''t have any time to change clothes before the party.
change out of wet clothes 把湿衣服换下来
you need to change out of those wet clothes.
bring a change of clothes 带一套换洗衣服
remember to bring a change of clothes if you have to stay in a hotel.
wring clothes out 把 衣服拧干
will you help me wring these clothes out?
hang up clothes on the washing line 把衣 服晾在衣绳上
honey, give me a hand to hang up clothes on the washing line.
take clothes off the hanger 把衣服从衣架上取下来
honey, I need you to help me take clothes off the hanger. put one''s clothes on backwards/inside out 把衣服穿反

衣服里外穿反=inside out
I''m afraid you have put your clothes on inside out.
I''m afraid you have put your clothes on backwards.
鞋子左右穿反 = backwards
I''m afraid you have worn your shoes backwards.
鞋子穿错脚=put shoes on the wrong feet
I''m afraid you have put them on the wrong feet.
上下颠倒 = upside down
That little girl is holding the book upside down.
反方向倒车 = reverse / back(up)
you back the car into the parking spot and i will go upstairs first.
reverse order 倒序
In(regular) order 正序
sunny side up 荷包蛋 只煎一面
would you like your eggs sunny side up?
over easy 两面都煎一煎
i want mine cooked over easy.
to fold(up) your cloths
fold up your clothes and put them into the wardrobe, will you? to straighten up/ to clean up one''s room 收拾屋子/ 整理房间
sam, you need to straighten up your before you go.
to straighten up 整理 ;梳理矛盾/ 困惑
i need to straighten things up between me and my wife.
to take/throw out the garbage
remerber to take out the garbage when you leave the door.
trash can 垃圾箱
trash bin 垃圾桶
take out the trash/rubbish 扔垃圾
trash 垃圾;废物;垃 圾话;拙劣的作品;劣质品
trash talk 垃圾话
to talk trash to sb 对 某人喷垃圾话
lots of NBA players talk trash to each other on the court.
he''s talking trash! 【英】他在胡说八道!
what''s this trash you''re watching!