过年除了吃年夜饭,怎么能少的了零食呢!瓜子、麦芽糖、糖葫芦……这些中国传统零食,你知道英语怎么说吗?我们一起边吃边看吧! 瓜子儿(Guazi/ melon seeds),俗名叫边果。它的种类较多,有葵花子(sunflower seeds)、西瓜子(watermelon seeds)、南瓜子(pumpkin seeds)等,嗑瓜子儿是中国人过年期间最喜欢的活动之一了。
汉字“子”也有孩子的意思,因此葵花籽在中国传统文化中象征着多子多孙。 吃葵花子是中国人消磨时间的好方法,是过年必备的小吃。带壳的葵花子既可以生吃,也可以炒着吃。 The Chinese character for seed (子) also means child, so sunflower seeds symbolize having many sons and grandsons in traditional Chinese culture.
Eating sunflower seeds is a great way to kill time for Chinese people, and they are a necessary snack for the Chinese New Year. Unshelled sunflower seeds can be eaten both raw and stir-fried.
适量吃瓜子好处很多,如瓜子中的亚麻油酸可以保持血压稳定、降低体内胆固醇等等。但吃太多瓜子容易加重肝脏负担形成脂肪肝,还会有瓜子牙。大家注意适量哦! 麦芽糖(malt candy)虽然现在并不常见,但是中国传统糖食。
麦芽糖也被称为关东糖,由麦芽、小米熬制而成,是人们在小年吃的传统小吃。Malt candy, also known as Guandong candy, is a sticky treat made out of glutinous millet and sprouted wheat. It is a traditional snack that Chinese people eat on the Festival of the Kitchen God. 民间习俗认为,腊月二十三小年这天,灶王爷会回天庭上报各家的事情,关东糖是给灶王爷准备的,让他甜甜嘴,多说好话,“上天言好事,下界降吉祥”。麦芽糖的粘性很大,如果拉伸成长条,就叫“关东糖”;搓成扁圆形状,就叫“糖瓜”。冬天可以把糖瓜放在屋外。因为天气严寒,糖瓜凝固得很坚实,但里边有有些微小的气泡,吃起来凉凉的,脆甜香酥,别有风味。
麦芽糖浆也可以用来捏糖人(sugar figure)。捏糖人是一种中国传统手工技艺,糖人师傅一般都挑一个担子,一头是加热用的炉具,另一头是糖料和工具。糖料由蔗糖和麦芽糖加热调制而成,本色为棕黄色,也有的加入颜料或色素让它变成红色或绿色。作糖人时的火候的控制是关键,过热则太稀易变形,冷了又会太硬无法塑形。使用的工具很简单,多是勺形和铲形的。糖人的造型有人物、动物、花草等。Sugar figure is a traditional folk art in China. The artists carry a pole with stove on one end and ingredients on the other which are usually cane sugar and barley sugar. These fragile figures have a brownish-yellow color, usually with yellow or green pigment added. The timing for sugar figure is the key because it may lose shape when overheated and it is impossible to develop into proper shape if it is cold and stiff. The tools for sugar figure can be as simple as spoon and shovel. The popular figure are people, animals and plants.
冰糖葫芦(sugar-coated haws/ candid haw/ tanghulu)是中国北方一种颇具代表性的小吃,在北京尤为有名。
这种边走边吃的甜食一串串地卖,味道可口,外表好看——亮红色的山楂喜庆地串成串,外面那层糖衣在阳光下闪闪发亮。 Sold by the stick, the dessert-to-go tastes great and looks greater -- bright red haws line up on a skewer in auspicious shapes, their sugary outer layers glimmering in the light.
民间传说,绍熙年间,宋光宗最宠爱的黄贵妃生病了。她面黄肌瘦,不思饮食。御医用了许多贵重药品,皆不见什么效果。皇帝见爱妃日渐憔悴,也整日愁眉不展。最后无奈只好张榜求医。一位江湖郎中揭榜进宫,为黄贵妃诊脉后说:“只要用冰糖与红果(即山楂)煎熬,每顿饭前吃五至十枚,不出半月病准见好。”贵妃按此办法服后,果然如期病愈了。皇帝自然大喜,展开了愁眉。后来这种做法传到民间,老百姓又把它串起来卖,就成了冰糖葫芦。 柿子饼(dried persimmon),是柿子作成的饼状食品,是中国著名的传统小吃。
除夕夜许多人会吃一些柿子饼作为零食。柿子代表“事事如意”。 While waiting for midnight on New Year’s Eve, many people will snack on some dried persimmon. Persimmons represent the phrase “everything goes according to your wishes” because of the pun for the word “shì.”
柿饼风干后表面呈现白色物质为柿霜,主要成分果糖,由于柿饼为干果类果脯,天然晒制而成,水分的蒸发,溶于水中的果糖在此过程中析出,形成柿霜。柿霜有润燥、化痰、止咳的作用,能治肺热燥咳。 柿子和柿子饼虽好吃,但不宜多食哦。进食柿子后,特别是空腹进食较多,容易形成胃柿结石。 你还有什么喜欢过年吃的零食呢?快来评论区和双语君分享吧!