

 能行学社 2023-02-01 发布于广东


Sushu(素书), Book of Elements/Book of Plainness, according to legends, was the work of Huangshigong(黄石公, literally Yellowstone Master, or Duke of Yellowstone). It was deemed a legendary book of wisdom, which based principally on Daoism, mixed with thoughts of Confucianism, Legalism,miliray strategy. It empathizes the philosophies of Dao( or the Great Way道), Virtue(德), Benevolence(仁), Rigteousness(义), Proprieties(礼) as the fundamental codes of conducts and governance of a country;as the law of the universe and nature, by which to know how things work, how to bear oneself.

Legends go that Huangshigong tested Zhang Liang(张良), a famous strategist in late Qin Dynasty and early Han Dynastay, before giving this great book. Zhang thus studied and used the guidance to help Liu Bang( first emperor of Han Dynasty) to found an empire that the Chinese nationalities are named after.


原始        Chapter 1 The Origins

正道        Chapter 2 The Right Way

求人之志 Chapter 3 Merits of Man

本德宗道 Chapter 4 Oriented to Virtue and the Right Way

遵义        Chapter 5 Follow the Righteousness

安礼        Chapter 6 Observe the Proprieties


Chapter 1  The Origins

1.1 夫道、德、仁、义、礼五者,一体也。Dao( or the Way道), Virtue(德), Benevolence(仁), Rigteousness(义), Proprieties(礼) exist as one Unity.

1.2 道者,人之所蹈,使万物不知其所由。

Dao( or the Way道), is the way people keep on,  and how things go on track without knowing its origins.

1.3 德者,人之所得,使万物各得其所欲。

Virtue(德), is how people obtain, and how to make things gets in desired places.

1.4 仁者,人之所亲,有慈慧恻隐之心,以遂其生存。

Benevolence(仁), is the bond between people. It's about the senses of mercy, kindness, compassion and sympathies, by which things live and thrive.

1.5 义者,人之所宜,赏善罚恶,以立功立事。

Rigteousness(义), is the properness of people. It's about rewarding the good and punishing the bad, by which to achive and succeed.

1.6 礼者,人之所履,夙兴夜寐,以成人伦之序。

Proprieties(礼), is how people behave, and an ideal that people dream of and strive for, to form an order for human relations.

1.7 夫欲为人之本,不可无一焉。

All those who want to achive and succeed, shall keep these five codes in mind.

1.8 贤人君子,明于盛衰之道,通乎成败之数,审乎治乱之势,达乎去就之理。故潜居抱道以待其时。

A virtuous and noble man, shall understand the rules of rise and fall, know the pattern of success and failure,  judge the trend of order and chaos, master the timing of staying and leaving.Therefore, one shall live in seclusion, stick to the Way and wait for the right time.

1.9 若时至而行,则能极人臣之位;

When act  with the time, one shall acess to a high position.

1.10 得机而动,则能成绝代之功。如其不遇,没身而已。

When move in a window of opportunity, one shall make peerless achievement. Otherwise, one shall fall into oblivion forever.

1.11 是以其道足高,而名重于后代。

By doing these, one shall obtain the highest virtue and immortal fame.


Chapter 2 The Right Way

2.1 德足以怀远,信足以一异,义足以得众,才足以鉴古,明足以照下,此人之俊也。

He, whose virtue enough to earn admiration from afar, whose good faith enough to reach concensus from disaccord, whose abilities enough to rival with ancient sages, whose intelligence enough to discern their subordinates, are men of eminent(outwits 1000 persons).

2.2 行足以为仪表,智足以决嫌疑,信可以使守约,廉可以使分财,此人之豪也。

He, whose behavior is enough to be a role model, whose wits enough to resolve perplexities, whose faith enough to make promise kept, whose honesty enough to be entrusted to distribute properties, are men of exceptional(outwits 100 persons).

2.3 守职而不废,处义而不回,见嫌而不苟免,见利而不苟得,此人之杰也。

He,devoted to and never neglect duties, proceed without hesitation under conflict of interests, never easily avoid what is suspicious,  never keep profits for their own are men of extraodinary( outwits 10 persons).


Chapter 3 Merits of Man

3.1 绝嗜禁欲,所以除累。抑非损恶,所以禳过。贬酒阙色,所以无污。

Quit what make you addicted and desired, therefore avoiding burdens.

Restrain wrong,reduce evil, therefore dispel faults.

Tapper off alcohol and lust, therefore staying away from being corrupted and humiliated.

3.2 避嫌远疑,所以不误。博学切问,所以广知。高行微言,所以修身。

Avoid arousing doubt and suspicion, that's the way to avoid mistakes.

Be well-read and humble for advice, that's the way to broaden knowledge.

Be noble and speak subtly, that's the way to cultivate merits.

3.3 恭俭谦约,所以自守。深计远虑,所以不穷。亲仁友直,所以扶颠。

Be repectful, modest, humble and reserved, that's the way to keep the moral integrity.

Be thoughful and visionary, that's the way to be resourceful.

Make friends with the kind-hearted and upright, those are whom to be replied on to save the day.

3.4 近恕笃行,所以接人。任材使能,所以济物。殚恶斥谗,所以止乱。

Keep to the way of benevolence and live out faith, that's the way to treat worthy men with courtesy.

Employ the talents and use the capable, that's the way to make achieve great causes.

Hate the evil and scold the treacherous and sladerers, that's the way to end chaos.

3.5 推古验今,所以不惑。先揆后度,所以应卒。设变致权,所以解结。

Cross examine what happen nowadays with the ancient deeds, that the way to stay away with doubts.

Reason and plan, that's the way to meet emergencies.

When normal rules fail, use mutable rules, that's the way to resolve dilemmas.

3.6 括囊顺会,所以无咎。橛橛梗梗,所以立功。孜孜淑淑,所以保终。

Be prudent and reticent,speak at a right time, that's the way to keep away from disaster.

Reply on the stregnth of the people and keep your integrity, that's the way to achive.

Be diligent and strive for perfection, that's the way to end well.


Chapter 4 Oriented to Virtue and the Right Way

4.1 夫志心笃行之术:

The art of determination and act in earnest:

4.2 长莫长于博谋,安莫安于忍辱,先莫先于修德,乐莫乐于好善,No merit is better merit than making a decision after a widespread consultation.

Nothing is safer than enduring humiliation.

There's no bigger priority than cultivating one's virtue.

Nothing is happier than taking delight in doing good.

4.3 神莫神于至诚,明莫明于体物,吉莫吉于知足,苦莫苦于多愿,Nothing is more sacred than supreme sincerity.

Nothing is wiser than experiencing and observing everything.

Nothing is luckier than being content.

Nothing is more painful than having unrealistic wishes.

4.4 悲莫悲于精散,病莫病于无常,短莫短于苟得,幽莫幽于贪鄙,Nothing is more miserable than mental exhaustion.

Nothing is sicker than impermanence.

Nothing is shallower than gaining by muddling along.

Nothing is more stupid than being greedy and mean.

4.5 孤莫孤于自恃,危莫危于任疑,败莫败于多私。

Nothing is more solitary than self-importance.

Nothing is more dangerous than appointing those you do not trust.

Nothing is more corrupted than abusing power for personal gain.


Chapter 5 Follow the Righteousness

5.1 以明示下者暗,有过不知者蔽,迷而不返者惑,

It is unwised to show your sharp-sightedness to your subordinates.

It is blinding to ignore your fault.

It is puzzling to  be obsessed with what is wrong without correcting them.

5.2 以言取怨者祸,令与心乖者废,后令缪前者毁,

It is disastrous to get into hatred because of your improper language.

Orders could no longer be bingding if it go against the will of the people.

Oders will be ruined if they diagree with the former ones.

5.3 怒而无威者犯,好众辱人者殃,戮辱所任者危,

He will be offended if he shows anger without deterrence.

He will suffer disasters if he likes insulting people in public.

He will get in danger if he kills and humiliates those he appointed.

5.4 慢其所敬者凶,貌合心离者孤,亲谗远忠者亡,

It would be ominous if he is arrogant to those whom should be respected.

He will be isolated if he is seemingly in agreeement, but actually at odds.

He is doomed to perish if he is close to the wicked and stay away from the loyal.

5.5 近色远贤者昏,女谒公行者乱,私人以官者浮,

He is a moron if he is a womanizer and stay away from worthy men.

It would cause chaos if he like to let women play with power.

He is a flip-flopper is he like propping up puppets with official positions.

5.6 凌下取胜者侵,名不胜实者耗。

It is abusing by winning through bullying the subordinates.

He will lose stregnth if he has an undeserved reputation.

5.7 略己而责人者不治,自厚而薄人者弃废。

He is a bad manager by being strict to others while ignoring his own faults.

He will be abandoned if he glorify himself while playing down others.

5.8 以过弃功者损,群下外异者沦,既用不任者疏,

He will suffer losses if he diregarding others' contrubition because of their mistakes.

A country will perish if its people and officials collude with the foreigners.

Worthy men will be estranged if he ia appointed but with a minor position.

5.9 行赏吝色者沮,多许少与者怨,既迎而拒者乖。

People will be dissapointed if they are not rewarded in a way they deserve it.

It would cause resentments if he is  given with too many empty promises.

It would be deviating from norms if he show welcomes at the beginning while rejecting in the end.

5.10 薄施厚望者不报,贵而忘贱者不久。

Wishes will fail while you are giving too little while expecting too much.

He will not stand long when he forgets his humble origin even if he gets to high status.

5.11 念旧恶而弃新功者凶 ,用人不得正者殆,强用人者不畜,

It is ominious to remember one's old grievances and forget one's new contrubutions.

It would be dangerous if he appoints unrighteous officials.

Forced employment of a man will not keeo him around you for long.

5.12 为人择官者乱,失其所强者弱,决策于不仁者险,

Select officials for others will cause chaos.

Losing what makes him strong will make him in the end.

It is perilous to make decisions by the cruel and ruthless.

5.13 阴计外泄者败,厚敛薄施者凋。

Failure is doomed if confidential decisions are disclosed.

Taking too much and giving too little from the people will weaken a country.

5.14 战士贫,游士富者衰;货赂公行者昧;

A country will fall into decline, when the soldiers are poor while the lobbiests are rich.

It is a dark government when bribery is made public.

5.15 闻善忽略,记过不忘者暴;所任不可信,所信不可任者浊。

It is a tyrant to ignore good advice and good deeds, while remebering the faults and mistakes.

It is an incompetent ruler to appoint the distrusted, while the trusted are not appointed.

5.16 牧人以德者集,绳人以刑者散。

Govern the country with virtue then people will gather.

Govern the people with severe law withh dispell them.

5.17 小功不赏,则大功不立;小怨不赦,则大怨必生。

No reward for the small merits makes no big achievement.

No resolution of small grievance breeds big resentment.

5.18 赏不服人,罚不甘心者叛。赏及无功,罚及无罪者酷。

Disatisfied rewards and accepted penalty makes rebellion.

Reward the meritless and punish the innocent makes cruelty.

5.19 听谗而美,闻谏而仇者亡。能有其有者安,贪人之有者残。

He will perish when he is glad to hear the slanders and furious to hear well-intented advice.

People feel at ease when they get what they deserve.

It is savage to hanker after one's property.

安礼   Chapter 6 Observe the Proprieties

6.1 怨在不舍小过,患在不预定谋。福在积善,祸在积恶。

Bearing grudges makes resentment.

Hesitation and unprepared plan make troubles.

Keep doing good deeds bear weal,keep doing evil breeds woe.

6.2 饥在贱农,寒在堕织。安在得人,危在失士。

People will suffer from hunger and cold if  a ruler neglecs agriculture and textile.

A country that wins people's heart will be stable and safe, a country that lose people's heart will be dangerous.

6.3 富在迎来,贫在弃时。上无常操,下多疑心。

Embracing good opportunities makes a country rich, going against the time makes a country poor.

Leaders with quicksilver characters makes suspicious subordinates.

6.4 轻上生罪,侮下无亲。近臣不重,远臣轻之。

Showing contempt to your superior sows seeds of misfortune.

Insulting the subordinates make alienation.

Puting officials at your side in unimportant positions will result in disdain by the officials from afar.

6.5 自疑不信人,自信不疑人。枉士无正友,曲上无直下。

Self-susicion breeds mistrust of others,  while self-confidence clears suspicion on others.

Unrighteous men have no upright firends. Iniquitous leaders have no honest subordinates.

6.6 危国无贤人,乱政无善人。爱人深者求贤急,乐得贤者养人厚。国将霸者士皆归,邦将亡者贤先避。

A country falling in danger results from lack of  persons of virtue. A government falling in chaos results from lack of well-doers.

Those who cherish talents show thirst for worthy men. 

Those who are happy and ready to attract talents will be richly benefited from them.

A country  on the way to dominance always wins all scholars' allegience. 

A state about to perish always expels the worthy for refuge.

6.7 地薄者大物不产,水浅者大鱼不游,树秃者大禽不栖,林疏者大兽不居。Barren lands yields no big produce.

Shallow waters nourish no big fish.

No big birds perch on bald trees.

No beasts dwell in sparse woods.

6.8 山峭者崩,泽满者溢。弃玉取石者盲,羊质虎皮者柔。

Steep clips always collapse. Full pond always overflow.

It is blind to take  stone instead of jade.

It is pretentious to wear a tiger's skin on a sheep's texture.


Dressing up from upside down goes against natual order of things.

Walking without watching the steps will trip.

Houses with week pillars are bound to collapse.

A country with week cabinet is bound to be toppled.

6.10 足寒伤心,人怨伤国。山将崩者下先隳,国将衰者人先弊。

It is bad for the heart when the feet get cold.

It is bad for a country when people are boiling with resentment.

A mountain will collapse when the piedmont is destroyed.

A country will fall when people live in poverty.


When the root withers, the twig dies out.

When people suffer, the country falls apart.

One will topple if he goes on the same track of an overturned carriage.

One will perish if he follows suit with a conquered state.


Mind what will happen next when you saw what had happened.

Avoid the same mistake when you knew someone had done such misdeeds.

One will be safe when he fears danger.

One will survive when he dears death.


One how one should behave, bear in mind that follow the right way then luck goes along, otherwise misfortune will befall.

Luck, is a state when all good fortune gathers.

Misfortune is a state when all disaster emerges.


It is not a sign of deities but a law of the nature.

Those who are dedicated to good strategies will not fall on hard times.

Those who have no foresight always bother with near worries.

6.15  同志相得,同仁相忧,同恶相党,同爱相求,同美相妒,同智相谋,

Those who are like-minded bring out the best in each other.

Those who share the same ideals share cares and burderns.

Those who do evils together will gang up with each other.

Those who share the same preference will seek for each other.

Those who share the same beauty will be jealouse of each other.

Those who share the same wits will conspire against with each other.


Those who share the noble satus tends to harm each other.

Those who share the same interests tends to guard against each other.

Those who share the same ideas tends to correspond with each other.

Those who share admiration tends to interact with each other.

Those who are the same kind tends to rely on each other.

Those who share the same stake tends to approach each other.


Those who share adversity tends to relieve each other.

Those who engaged in the same pursuit tends to make each other's dream come true.

Those who share the same skills tends to trip each other up.

Those who share the same tactics tends to defeat each other.

These are deducted from the law of nature, which shall not go against the order of things.

6.16 释己而教人者逆,正己而化人者顺。

Preaching people without  practicing what one advocates only results in rebellion.

Enlightening people by example will lead to success.

6.17 逆者难从,顺者易行,难从则乱,易行则理。

Going against the natural way of things only results in disobedience.

Going along the natural way of things makes people follow.

Disobedience breeds disorder.

Feasibility breeds order.

6.18 如此理身、理家、理国,可也!

Such are the viable way to sustain yourself, run a home, and a country!

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