
专题01 名词-2022年中考英语真题分项汇编 (全国通用)(共18题)(解析版)

 中小学知识学堂 2023-02-07 发布于云南

专题01 名词


12022·天津·中考真题)Most parents think it is a good ________ to take a school bus because it’s quite safe.

Arisk  Bchoice  Cgame   Dpity





考查名词辨析。risk冒险;choice选择;game游戏;pity遗憾。根据“Most parents think it is a good...to take a school bus because it’s quite safe.”可知,乘坐校车很安全,所以是一个很好的选择,故选B

22022·安徽·中考真题)—I do morning exercises every day. It works my whole body.

—It’s a good habit. It helps you keep in good ________.

Atime    Btouch   Chealth  Dsilence




句意:——我每天晨练。 它对我全身都有作用。 ——这是一个好习惯。 它帮助你保持健康。

考查名词辨析。time时间;touch触摸;health健康;silence沉默。根据“I do morning exercises every day. It works my whole body”可知,晨练可以帮助保持健康,故选C

32022·重庆B·中考真题)It’s raining heavily. Please take the ________.

Astone   Bflower  Cumbrella    Dpostcard





考查名词辨析。stone石头;flower花;umbrella雨伞;postcard明信片。根据“It’s raining heavily.”可知,下雨要带伞,故选C

42022·江西·中考真题)Which ice cream do you want, Mary? You can’t have all of them. You have to make a ________.

Awish    Bsurvey  Cchoice  Dcall





考查名词辨析。wish愿望;survey调查;choice选择;call打电话。根据“You can’t have all of them.”可知必须从许多冰淇淋中作出选择。故选C

52022·云南·中考真题)Miss Li has lots of teaching ________. She has her own ways to make classes lively and interesting.

Aexercise  Bexcitement  Cexperience  Denvironment




句意:李老师有丰富的教学经验。 她有自己的方法使课堂生动有趣。

考查名词辨析。exercise锻炼;excitement兴奋;experience经验;environment环境。根据“She has her own ways to make classes lively and interesting.”可知,她有丰富的教学经验,故选C

62022·湖北武汉·中考真题)—Why do you practice Tai Chi every day?

—Because this Chinese form of exercise helps me relax and find my inner (内心的) ________.

Avoice   Bquality    Cbeauty  Dpeace





考查名词辨析。voice嗓音;quality质量;beauty美丽;peace平静。根据“this Chinese form of exercise helps me relax and find my inner...”可知,此处是指练太极能帮助放松,找到内心的平静。故选D

72022·新疆·中考真题)—I find there are more and more overweight children in our school.

—Exactly, so we should have good eating ________.

Atasks    Bchoices    Cgrades  Dhabits





考查名词辨析。tasks任务;choices选择;grades成绩;habits习惯。根据“we should have good eating...”可知是有好的饮食习惯。故选D

82022·甘肃武威·中考真题)The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.

Atelephone   Bdoorbell  Cclock   Dbike





考查名词辨析。telephone电话;doorbell门铃;clock时钟;bike自行车。结合语境和下一句“It was his son calling from New York.”可知帕特的儿子从纽约打电话来,所以应该是电话铃声响了。故选A

92022·云南昆明·中考真题)— Do you know March 21st is World Sleep Day? Sleep is important to us.

— Yes. A good sleep gives us ________ and makes us happy.

Atruth    Bfame    Cenergy    Dculture





考查名词辨析。truth事实;fame声誉;energy能量;culture文化。根据“A good sleep gives us”可知睡眠让人精力充沛。故选C

102022·浙江温州·中考真题)—Jack, I have no idea for the report.

—Me neither. Why don’t we ask the teacher for ________?

Ahelp  Bjokes    Cfood    Dtickets




句意:——Jack,我对这份报告没有什么想法。——我也没有。 我们为什么不向老师求助呢?

考查名词辨析。help帮助;jokes玩笑;food食物;tickets票。根据“I have no idea for the report”“Why don’t we ask the teacher for”可知,两个人对于报告都没有想法,所以建议向老师寻求帮助,故选A

112022·湖南岳阳·中考真题)So many young people regard _______ as the most delicious drink.

Asalad   Bporridge    Cmilk shake





考查名词辨析。salad沙拉;porridge粥;milk shake奶昔。根据“the most delicious drink”可知,奶昔是饮料,故选C

122022·江苏连云港·中考真题)The hat is not the right ________ for me. I’d like a smaller one.

Asize  Bstyle  Ccolour  Dmaterial




句意:这顶帽子大小不适合我。 我想要小一点的。

考查名词辨析。size大小,尺寸;style款式;colour颜色;material材料。根据“I’d like a smaller one”可知,是尺寸不合适,故选A

132022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the ________ cartoon characters.

Aability  Bweight  Cshape   Dquality





考查名词辨析。ability能力;weight重量;shape形状;quality质量;根据“cut out pictures in the...cartoon characters”可知,是剪出卡通人物的形状,故选C

142022·江苏扬州·中考真题)We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of ________.

Aachievement  Bdepartment    Ctreatment    Dentertainment





考查名词。achievement成就;department部门;treatment治疗;entertainment娱乐。根据“a small success can give us a sense of”可知,表达成就感,用名词“achievement”。故选A

152022·四川达州·中考真题)—I want to learn more about the history of Tang Dynasty.

—Why not use the Internet to find more ________?

Ainformation   Bmessages    Cadvice  Ddiscussions





考查名词辨析。information信息;messages消息;advice建议;discussions讨论。根据“Why not use the Internet to find more...”可知,是上网查找信息,故选A

16.2022·四川乐山·中考真题)— Do you like black coffee, Miss Green?

— No, I’d like sweet coffee. Please put some ________ in it.

Aice   Bsalt   Csugar





考查名词辨析。ice冰;salt盐;sugar糖。根据“I’d like sweet coffee.”可知,因为喜欢甜咖啡,所以要放一些糖,sugar符合句意;故选C

172022·湖北十堰·中考真题)The ________ of oil goes higher and higher because of the war.

Aprice    Bpride    Cprogress  Dpromise





考查名词辨析。price价格;pride骄傲;progress进步;promise承诺。根据“The...of oil goes higher and higher because of the war.”可知,此处指油价上涨,故选A


182022·重庆A·中考真题)This year, the family went camping on ________ Day, June 1st.

AChild   BChild’s    CChildren  DChildren’s





考查名词所有格。由语境可知,此处指儿童节,英文表达为“Children’s Day”。故选D

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