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2023-02-24 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
五年级下学期期终考试英语试卷(含答案)一、从下列选项中选出正确的词义。() 1. hardA.努力B.小时C.头() 2. mobileA.
宇宙飞船B.可视电话C.移动的() 3. invitationA.礼物B.山谷C.邀请函() 4. twiceA.两次;两倍B.二
C.十二() 5. skyA.沙子B.天空C.陆地() 6. aroundA.在周围B.抛;扔C.答复() 7. fridgeA.
数码影碟B.朋友C.电冰箱() 8. p.m.A.上午B.下午C.计划() 9. interestingA.起飞,脱下B.有趣的C
.电话() 10. wifeA.丈夫B.大夫C.妻子二、用所给词的适当形式填空。Is this dog(you)?Let me(l
ook).Now he(plan) his party.Are thereLet us find a place(some) Am
erican pupils in your class? (have) lunch.三、根据对话内容填写所缺的词。—What’s
thewith you?—My head.—Whose dog is this?—It’s not.—do you work?—I
work in the street.—Could you help me, please?—!—Can you help me
clean the room?—No, it’s notjob.四、单项选择。() 1. The TVlike a pictur
e.A.lookB. looksC. looking () 2. Therea TV and a DVD in the room.
isB. areC. was () 3. Theresome milk in the bottle.isB. areC. am (
) 4. It’s timehave lunch.toB. forC. of () 5. Is this book?A.yourB
. youC. yours () 6.beautiful the stars are!WhatB. HowC. What a()
7. I worka farm.A.atB. onC. in () 8. Tom is writing a letterhis f
riend.A.forB. toC. at () 9. My fathera mobile phone.haveB. hasC.
is () 10. Many of things can beagain.A. usefulB. useC. used五、句型转换
。I work in school. (对划线部分提问)It is Friday. (对划线部分提问)There are some
pandas in the zoo. (改为—般疑问句)There is a cinema in this street. (改
为否定句)I have a cold. (对划线部分提问)参考答案一、1-10 ACCAB ACBBC二、1. yours 2.
have a look 3. is planning 4. any 5. to have三、1. matter; hurts 2.
mine 3. Where 4. Of course 5. my四、1-10 BAAAC BBBBC五、Where do you
work?What’s the date today?Are there any pandas in the zoo?There
is not a cinema in this street.What’s the matter with you?第 1 页 共 4 页