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2023-03-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
上教社导学案:8年级英语Title: My Favorite HobbyIntroduction:Everyone has their ow
n hobby which they enjoy doing during their free time. Some enjoy
reading books, while others enjoy playing sports or video games.
My favorite hobby is painting.Body:I have always had a passion f
or art and painting. It allows me to express my creativity and em
otions through colors and brush strokes. Painting also helps me r
elax and escape from the stress and worries of everyday life.When
ever I paint, I start by selecting the colors and the canvas. I u
sually prefer using oil paints on a canvas. Then, I let my imagin
ation take control and start painting whatever comes to my mind.
Sometimes, I paint landscapes, while other times I paint abstract
art.Painting is a great way for me to unwind and focus on someth
ing that is solely for me. I love the feeling of creating somethi
ng unique that no one else has ever created before. Every paintin
g is different, and that is what makes it truly special.Conclusio
n:In conclusion, painting is not just a hobby, but it is also a f
orm of therapy for me. It provides me with a sense of accomplishm
ent and relaxation. I encourage everyone to find a hobby that the
y love doing and that brings them joy and happiness.