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2023-03-06 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
准考证号: _________ 姓名: _________(在此卷上答题无效)2021 - 2022学年第二学期福州市九年级英语适应性练习(
题1.5分,满分30分)第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。(每个句子读两遍
)第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)听第1段对话,回答第6小题。6
. What''s the matter with Kris?A. He''s lost his job. B. He has tro
uble hearing. C. He broke his leg in the factory.听第2段对话,回答第7小题。7.
How many children are there in the girl''s family?A. One.B. Two.C
. Three.听第3段对话,回答第8小题。8. Why is Mark''s hair wet?A. Because he was
caught in the rain.B. Because he did much exercise.C. Because he
had a shower.听第4段对话,回答第9小题。9. Where are the speakers?A. In a res
taurant.B. At a cinema.C. On a bus.听第5段对话,回答第10、11小题10. What does
Neil want to be after graduating?A. An engineer.B. An artist.C.
A guide.11. What is the girl’s opinion?A. Children should obey it
heir parents.B. She is too young to make a decision.C. Parents sh
ould respect children’s decisions.听第6段对话,回答第12、13小题。12. What are
they talking about?A. Whether to keep a dog. B. How to take care
of a dog. C. When to walk a dog.13. What''s the relationship betwe
en the two speakers?A. Brother and sister.B. Salesman and custome
r.C. Teacher and student.听第7段对话,回答第14、15小题。14. Why does Martin lo
ok unhappy?A. He was cheated.B. He has lost a good friend.C. He w
as asked to do something wrong.15. What does Rita do for Martin?A
. Write a composition.B. Give him some advice.C. Share her writin
g skills.第三节听短文根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍) Ⅱ.选择填空(共15小题;每小题1
分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案21.- Who is _________ inv
entor of the radio? - Guglielmo Marconi.A. aB. anC. the22. Stacy''
s clothes shop is having a big sale! _________ is 70% off.A. Ever
ybodyB. EverythingC. Everywhere23. Good _________ happens when on
e person is expressing his ideas and the other is listening caref
ully, and giving his opinions sometimes.A. celebrationB. informat
ionC. communication24. _________ it rained heavily last night, th
e ground is already dry now.A. AlthoughB. BeforeC. Because25. -
How did Mr.Smith _________ Ken for cheating in the exam? - Nothin
g much. He just asked him to retest.A. praiseB. punishC. protect2
6. - Everyone in my family can play table tenns, _________ Tommy.
Really? He is only five years old!A. includingB. exceptC. beside2
7. Jack, it''s 7: 20 ! If you want to get to school on time, you m
ust _________A. hurry upB. cheer upC. stay up28. - Peter always
gets excellent grades at school. - So he does. He _________ study
very hard. We should learn from him.A. dareB. ought toC. must29.
Many of my friends _________ at least one foreign country, but I
haven''t.A. will go toB. have been toC. have gone to30. I invite
Tom and his twin sisters to go on a picnic with me, but _________
of them wants to go because they have too much work to do.A. non
eB. eitherC. all31. - Would you like to go camping with us this w
eekend? - It''s worth trjng, but my mom will _________ disagree.A
. hardlyB. properlyC. probably32. The car ________was stole in th
e park belongs to my fiend, Jim.A. whoB. whichC. when33. ________
_ the work on time, we''d better start now.A. FinishB. FinishingC.
To finish34. The old photo that I found in the book _________ by
my grandma.A. tookB. was takenC. was taking35. - Henry wants to
know _________ . - Why didn''t he ask me himself?A. whether you''l
l go out for dinner with himB. When I will go back homeC. where d
o you liveⅢ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可
以填入空白处的最佳答案。On a small hill in Huaping, Yunnan, there is a small
school. Over the past 12 years, it has rewritten the fate (命运) of
1, 804 poor girls 36 sending them to universities (大学).Zhang Gui
mei, now 63,is the founder of this school. She began teaching in
Huaping—one of China’s 37 areas—twenty years ago. Zhang found man
y girls had to leave school and were forced to work or get marrie
d at a young age. "We often say that we want every child to have
a fair start, "she said, "but these girls don''t even have the 38
to stand on the starting line. "Zhang wanted to 39 this. She spen
t years trying to raise money. Finally, in 2008, she set up the H
uaping High School for Girls. Its China’s first and only free pub
lic high school for girls.Zhang gets up at 5 am. every day to 40
the lights on each floor of the teaching building."Many girls are
timid (胆小的), "Zhang 41 . She wants them to feel safer on their w
ay to classes. After years of tiring work, Zhang is now in poor h
ealth, but the school and the children 42 more than anything else
in her mind.Zhang''s 43 has inspired (鼓舞) many to follow in her f
ootsteps. Zhou Yunli was one of her 44 . After she finished unive
rsity, she immediately returned to the school to teach. "Without
Ms. Zhang, I would be 45 , " Zhou said with a smile. "When you be
come strong, you must remember to help others. This is what Ms. Z
hang taught us. " 36. A. by B. about C. during37. A. safestB.
largestC. poorest38. A. skillB. chanceC. courage39. A. changeB. a
cceptC. believe40. A. turn onB. turn downC. turn off41. A. rememb
ersB. explainsC. describes42. A. cost B. waste C. matter43. A. st
oryB. situationC. introduction44. A. relativesB. studentsC. colle
agues45. A. somebodyB. everybodyC. nobodyⅣ.阅读理解.(共两节,25小题;满分45分)第
一节阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)A46. T
he activity will take place _________A. in summerB. in the mormin
gC. on weekdaysD. on Christmas Day47. The underlined word "venue"
means _________ .A.集合点B.目的地C.交通方式D.活动安排48. Who will be intereste
d in this activity?A. A girl who wants to climb up Mount Gu.B. A
boy who wants to be an environmental volunteer.C. A woman who lik
es collecting free plastic bags.D. A man who likes wearing sports
shoes.49. If you want to join in the activity, _________ .A. you
need take your own glovesB. Wang Fang will take you to Mount GuC
. you can call 87332556 for more informationD. Council’s Waste Ed
ucation will provide suitable clothing.50. Which picture best mat
ches the theme(主题) of this activiin?BRuby is doing a research the
se days.Below are some pieces of information she has collected.In
English, we use the pronoun it to call a bridge, a chair, or any
thing without life. But in Spanish, people use the pronoun el(he)
for a bridge, and ella (she) for a chair;in German, however, the
pronoun for a bridge is sie(she), and a chair er(he). When they
are asked what they think of a bridge, Spanish speakers think of
it as "strong"and German speakers think of it as "pretty. "Like S
panish and German, French also uses different pronouns for things
without life. Forexample, in French, a bridge is a fhe, "and a c
hair is a "she, " just like in Spanish. However, these two langua
ges do not always agree with each other on pronouns. In Spanish,
a fork is a "he, " but in French, a fork is a "she. "Here, French
shares the same idea with German.Kuuk Thaayorre is a language sp
oken in Pormpuraaw, Australia. This language does not have words
that mean"right,""left,"or"behind."When Kuuk Thaayorre speakers n
eed to say wherethings are, they will say something like "There''s
a snake to the south of you,"or"The glass issouthwest of the bow
l. "Kuuk Thaayorre speakers can always tell where east, west, sou
th, and north are, even in places they''ve never been.51. Accordin
g to Paragraph 2, which of the following is correct? 52. Which of
the following is TRUE?A. Like German speakers, French speakers m
ight think of a chair as "pretty. "B. Like Spanish speakers, Fren
ch speakers might think of a bridge as "pretty. "C. Like German s
peakers, French speakers might think of a chair as "strong. "D. L
ike Spanish speakers, French speakers might think of a bridge as
"strong. "53. In German, the pronoun for a fork is _________ .A.
elB. ellaC. sieD. er54. What can we learn about Kuuk Thaayorre?A.
It is widely spoken in Australia.B. It has a larger vocabulary t
han English.C. Its speakers have a strong sense of direction.D. I
ts grammar is difficult to learn.55. After doing the research, Ru
by may probably agree that _________ .A. a language changes when
its speakers change their way of thinking.B. speakers of differen
t languages may see the world in different ways.C. agoodwaytoleam
alanguageistoliveinthecountrywhereitisspoken.D. people who. speak
the same language may still fail to understand each other.CSomeb
ody called Mom. It was somebody from school. I didn’t really catc
h the name. I said my mom was mowing the lawn(草坪), and go the lad
y asked if I could take a message. I said,"Sure. "Then, she start
ed talking about cakes and Thursday after school and I said, "Sur
e, cakes are great. "I was trying to get my math homework done be
cause Rij was waiting for me next door.Then, the lady said someth
ing about the headmaster and I said, "Sure, I know, " becauseever
yone knows the headmaster. Finally, she stopped talking and said,
"Okay? "I said; "Okay, " and then remembered to say, ''in Thank y
ou for calling, " just like Mom taught me. Then, I hung up, finis
hed my math and headed for Raj''s house.I didn''t remember the call
until the next morming at breakfast. "Oh, you had a call yesterd
ay while you were mowing the lawn, Mom. ""Oh? Who was it, Kyle? "
she said, between toast bites.Unhh. Think, think. "It was about
Thurgday after school, " I said, announcing the only detail I cou
ld remember."What about it?"Mom was getting a little angry.I knew
I had to deal with this well."There''s a bake sale. The headmaste
r was asking for stuff, "I felt good about remembering the headma
ster.Well, to make a long story short, it was the president of th
e PTO(家校共建会) who had called. According to Mom, the lady was very
important. She was asking if Mom could bake a cake for the headma
ster because they were going to surprise him for his birthday.Mom
showed up on Thursday after school with a little plate of cookie
s, thinking there was a bake sale. Mrs.Essman looked at her like
she was from Mars and asked! where the cake wag. Of course, Mom d
idn’t know anything about a cake or a birthday or anything. Now,
I was in the doghouse, and my brother and I had to learn telephon
e manners from Mom.56. What was Kyle doing when he was answering
the telephone?A. He was mowing the lawn. B. He was making a cake.
C. He was doing his homework.D. He was waiting for Raj.57. The na
xt morning, Kyle _________ .A. announced his plan for ThursdayB.
forgot to give the message to his momC. showed up at the headmast
er’s birthday partyD. remembered the call but not all the details
58. When Mrs. Essman saw Kyle’s mom, she was _________ .A. thankf
ulB. disappointedC. excitedD. sad59. The telephone manners in the
last sentence refers to _________ .A. introducing yourself prope
rlyB. ending the conversation politelyC. listening actively and t
aking notesD. greeting the caller in a friendly way60. We can inf
er (推断) from the text that _________ .A. the PTO had a bake sale
on Thursday as plannedB. Mom called to ask for details before Thu
rsdayC. Mrs. Essman made a cake for the headmasterD. Kyle learned
a lesson from the experienceDWhen you are at the beach and stay
for a few hours, you may notice that the water level of the sea o
r ocean is rising or falling. This change in sea level happens as
the tide (潮汐) goes in and out.Tides are caused by the effect of
the moon''s gravity on the earth, and to a lesser extent, the sun''
s gravity. Even though the sun is much bigger than the moon and t
he earth, it is very far away so the tides on earth are mostly af
fected by the moon.The earth''s surface is 70% covered in water. T
he gravity of the moon creates a pull on the side of the earth cl
osest to it. This pull creates a "bulge"of water on the side of t
he earth the moon is closest to. This is what we call "high tide"
. As well as the side closest to the moon having high tides, the
opposite side of the earth does too. The sides not experiencing t
he "bulge" are experiencing what we call "low tides." Since the m
oon goes around the earth, high and low tides follow the movement
of the moon.Two high tides and two low tides occur(出现) every 24
hours. Fast movement of water during the inflow and outflow can p
rovide a source of renewable energy. When the water goes out to s
ea signaling a low tide, it washes away garbage and pollution fro
m the land. Scientists are able to predict when high and low tide
s will happen, which is very important because some ships cannot
dock on land when there is a low tide. The predictability (可预测性)
of the tides is very important for fishermen as well. High tides
bring fish closer to land so people can catch fish faster and eas
ier.61. The moon has a greater effect on the earth’s water than t
he sun because of _______.A. the distance B. the size C. the heat
D. the movement62. The underlined word "bulge" means _________ .
A.蒸发B.膨胀C.凝固 D.渗透63. Which picture best illustrates (图解) Paragrap
h 3?64. If the writer wants to add some material on how tides aff
eet the wealher, he had better put it inA. Paragraph 1B. Paragrap
h2C. Paragraph3D. Paragraph 465. The structure (结构) of the text i
s _________ .(① = Para.1② = Para.2③ = Para.3④ = Para.4) 第二节阅读
When it comes to choosing your seat in class, where will you choo
se to sit in the classroom? 66 Let''s see what kind of student you
are. Front RowIf you choose the front row, you love school. 67
You enjoy yourself in class. To get good grades, you don''t mind d
oing a lot of homework! Middle RowYou are an ordinary: student.
You aren''t the best student, but you aren''t the worst. either. Yo
u don''t care about getting good grades. 68 Back RowThough you
sit in the back, you might plan to pay attention to learning. You
don''t like too many people to sit behind you, and tha''s why you
sit in the back. 69 You are a cool student to be around. Back Ro
w Against the Wall70 You might plan to copy others’ homework in c
lass because you stayed up playing online games the night before.
You don''t like school because you get poor grades. V.情景交际(共5小题;每
小题2分,满分10分)根据情景提示,完成下列各题。71. Walt 从香港旅行回来,你可以这么跟他寒喧:Hi, Walt! ___
___________________________________________________ to Hong Kong?
72. Craig 给你一个学习英语语法的建议, 你决定尝试一下, 可以这么说: Thank you, Craig._______
_________________________________.73.你想知道Martin的梦想是什么,可以这么问: ____
_____________________________________________ , Martin?74.你的朋友Tim
是语言上的巨人,行动上的矮子。你可以用这个谚语来劝诚他:Actions _____________________________
____________________ .75.你想知道火箭的用途,可以这么问杨老师: ____________________
a rocket ______________ , Mr. Yang ?VI. 看图写话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据
g therapy animals in the halls of a hospital is nothing new these
days, but they''re almost always dogs. However, there’s 81 very
different kind of therapy animal at Calais Hospital in France.Pey
o, or "Doctor Peyo" as he is 82 (know)by his friends, is a 15 - y
ear - old horse. It used to train for equestrian(马术的) shows. One
day, his 83 ,Hassen Bouchakour, happened to 84 that his horse had
a unique ability. After shows, Peyo would pick people out of the
crowd and stick to 85 (stay) close to them.Bouchakour later real
ized that his horse was instinctively (本能地) choosing people that
were sick-either physically or mentally. The trainer soon gave 86
his career as a sportsman.He decided to use Peyo’s special gift
to bring peace and comfort to those who most needed it.The pair -
has began volunteering at Calais Hospital 87 2016. The ''horse is
popular with everyone at the hospital, but he''s particularly 88
(help) when. patients are nearing the end of their lives. Having
Peyo by their side brings them joy in their final moments and hel
ps them have a more peaceful passing. And in some cases, his pres
ence can reduce the patients'' 89 [peIn] so greatly that they no l
onger require the use of strong drugs.Since beginning his career
as the therapy horse, Peyo has comforted thousands of patients an
d eased this end - of - life 90 for more than 1,000 patients.VII
I.书面表达(满分15分)91.假如你是康康,你的学校正在开展“节约用水”活动。经过调查,你了解了四个家庭 的节水措施。请根据下表
在英语课上做个汇报,并谈谈你对此活动的感想。词数90左右。 注意事项:1.必须包含提示内容,可适当发挥。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总
词数; 2.意思清楚,表达通畅,行文连贯,书写规范; 3.请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名和地名。It’s an honor to
share the result of my survey with you.__________________________
____________________________________________That''s all. Thanks fo
r listening.英语适应性练习参考答案及评分标准I.听力(共三节,满分30分)听句子选图(7.5 分)1-5 C C A
A B对话理解(15分)6-10 B A B C B 11-15 C A A C B听对话填表(7.5分)16. day 17.
report 18. whenever 19. create 20. learningII. 选择填空(15分)21-25 C B
C A B 26-30 A A C B A 31-35 C B C B AIII.完形填空(15分)36-40 A C B A
A 41-45 B C A B CIV. 阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)第一节(40分) 46-50 B A B C D 5
1-55 A D C C B56-60 C D B C D 61-65 A B A D A第二节(5分) 66-70 B E
C D AV. 情景交际(10分)How was your trip 1分 1分I will give it a try 1分 1
分What’s your dream 1分 1分speak louder than words 1分 1分What’s, u
sed for 1分 1分评分标准:每小题能按要求写出正确的内容,得2分;能写出主要句子结构的得1-1.5分;能传递个别信息的得0
.5分。VI. 看图写话(10分)Beijing is the capital of China. 0.5分 1分 0.5分He
hasn’t finished his homework yet.0.5分 1分 0.5分The ruler is made of metal.0.5分 1分 0.5分He digs a hole in order to plant a tree. 1分 1 分Everyone is listening carefully in the math class while Emma is sleeping. 1 分 1 分评分标准:每小题能写出一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子,得2分;能基本说明图意,写出主要句子结构的得1-1.5分;能传递个别信息的得0.5分。VII. 短文填空(10分)a 82. known 83. owner 84. discover 85. staying 86. up 87. since 88. helpful 89. pain 90. periodVIII. 书面表达(15分)It’s an honor to make a report about my survey. We all take an active part in this activity. Zhang Jie’s family usually turn off the water when brushing teeth. In order to save water, Li Jun always washes small clothes by hand. Wang Yue thinks reusing water works well. After washing vegetables, she uses the water to clean the floor. In my family, we take a shower instead of a bath.In my opinion, it’s meaningful to have such activity. It helps us learn more water-saving methods and take actions to do our part for the environment. That’s all. Thanks for listening.书面表达评分标准第五档13一15分包含所有信息,内容完整,语句通顺,意思连贯。没有或基本没有语法、拼写错误,书写规范,词数符合要求。第四档10一12分包含大部分信息,内容较完整,表达基本清楚,语句较通顺,有少量语法、拼写错误。书写规范,词数基本符合要求。第三档7一9分写出基本信息,语句基本通顺;但句子较简单,表达不够清楚,有部分语法、拼写错误。书写基本规范。第二档4一6分写出部分信息,表达不清楚,有较多语法和拼写错误。第一档1一3分仅能传递个别信息,通篇只有个别句子可读。0分只字未写,或写的内容与所要求的内容无关。