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2023-04-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
义和镇中心学校2022-2023学年第一学期期中考试七年级英语试题答案听力选择1-5 CCBAA 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 AC
BBC二 单项选择 16-20 ADBCA 21-25 CCAAC三 阅读选择 26-30 BBCDC 31-35 CDBC
A 36-40 DCBAB 41-45 CDBDA四 听力填表 46 dumplings 47, tamato 48 ,oran
ge juices 49, 2845 50, 65五 动词填空 51 is 52 to make 53 help 54
studying 55 to buy 56 took 57 Were 58 gave 59 didn’t buy 60
bought六 综合填空61 interested 62 by 63 got 64 ate 65 weather 66
were 67 visited 68 wonderful 69 gifts 70 stayed七 阅读表达71 It wa
s excellent.72 In the 4D theater73 到那里花了我们一个小时。74 我们点了4碗面条,非常好吃。7
5 My school trip/Tom’s school trip / The trip to the National Art
Museum八 写作略